Austen Lamacraft
Austen Lamacraft
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Finite-temperature phase diagram of a polarized Fermi condensate
MM Parish, FM Marchetti, A Lamacraft, BD Simons
Nature Physics 3 (2), 124-128, 2007
Quantum quenches in a spinor condensate
A Lamacraft
Physical review letters 98 (16), 160404, 2007
Unitary circuits of finite depth and infinite width from quantum channels
S Gopalakrishnan, A Lamacraft
Physical Review B 100 (6), 064309, 2019
Solving schrödinger bridges via maximum likelihood
F Vargas, P Thodoroff, A Lamacraft, N Lawrence
Entropy 23 (9), 1134, 2021
Ergodic and nonergodic dual-unitary quantum circuits with arbitrary local Hilbert space dimension
PW Claeys, A Lamacraft
Physical Review Letters 126 (10), 100603, 2021
Polarized Fermi condensates with unequal masses: tuning the tricritical point
MM Parish, FM Marchetti, A Lamacraft, BD Simons
Physical review letters 98 (16), 160402, 2007
Maximum velocity quantum circuits
PW Claeys, A Lamacraft
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033032, 2020
Nonequilibrium theory of Coulomb blockade in open quantum dots
PW Brouwer, A Lamacraft, K Flensberg
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (7), 075316, 2005
Potential insights into nonequilibrium behavior from atomic physics
A Lamacraft, J Moore
Contemporary concepts of condensed matter science 5, 177-202, 2012
Universal phase structure of dilute Bose gases with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
S Gopalakrishnan, A Lamacraft, PM Goldbart
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 061604, 2011
Finite-temperature dynamical structure factor of the one-dimensional Bose gas: From the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of dynamical …
M Kulkarni, A Lamacraft
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (2), 021603, 2013
Long-wavelength spin dynamics of ferromagnetic condensates
A Lamacraft
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (6), 063622, 2008
Order parameter statistics in the critical quantum Ising chain
A Lamacraft, P Fendley
Physical review letters 100 (16), 165706, 2008
Emergent quantum state designs and biunitarity in dual-unitary circuit dynamics
PW Claeys, A Lamacraft
Quantum 6, 738, 2022
Superconductors with magnetic impurities: Instantons and subgap states
A Lamacraft, BD Simons
Physical Review B 64 (1), 014514, 2001
MultiMAP: dimensionality reduction and integration of multimodal data
MS Jain, K Polanski, CD Conde, X Chen, J Park, L Mamanova, A Knights, ...
Genome biology 22, 1-26, 2021
Critical velocity of a mobile impurity in one-dimensional quantum liquids
M Schecter, A Kamenev, DM Gangardt, A Lamacraft
Physical review letters 108 (20), 207001, 2012
Radio-frequency spectroscopy of a strongly imbalanced Feshbach-resonant Fermi gas
M Veillette, EG Moon, A Lamacraft, L Radzihovsky, S Sachdev, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (3), 033614, 2008
Boson Pairing and Unusual Criticality in a Generalized Model
Y Shi, A Lamacraft, P Fendley
Physical review letters 107 (24), 240601, 2011
Noisy coupled qubits: Operator spreading and the Fredrickson-Andersen model
DA Rowlands, A Lamacraft
Physical Review B 98 (19), 195125, 2018
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Articles 1–20