Sarah Gervais
Sarah Gervais
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Power and the creation of patronizing environments: the stereotype-based behaviors of the powerful and their effects on female performance in masculine domains.
TK Vescio, SJ Gervais, M Snyder, A Hoover
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (4), 658, 2005
Integrating sexual objectification with object versus person recognition: The sexualized-body-inversion hypothesis
P Bernard, SJ Gervais, J Allen, S Campomizzi, O Klein
Psychological science 23 (5), 469-471, 2012
When what you see is what you get: The consequences of the objectifying gaze for women and men
SJ Gervais, TK Vescio, J Allen
Psychology of women quarterly 35 (1), 5-17, 2011
Seeing women as objects: The sexual body part recognition bias
SJ Gervais, TK Vescio, J Förster, A Maass, C Suitner
European Journal of Social Psychology 42 (6), 743-753, 2012
Objectification theory: Continuing contributions to feminist psychology.
TA Roberts, RM Calogero, SJ Gervais
American Psychological Association, 2018
My eyes are up here: The nature of the objectifying gaze toward women
SJ Gervais, AM Holland, MD Dodd
Sex Roles 69, 557-570, 2013
Understanding the link between men’s alcohol use and sexual violence perpetration: The mediating role of sexual objectification.
SJ Gervais, D DiLillo, D McChargue
Psychology of Violence 4 (2), 156, 2014
Confronting sexism: The role of relationship orientation and gender
SJ Gervais, AL Hillard, TK Vescio
Sex Roles 63, 463-474, 2010
The mediating role of perceived safety on street harassment and anxiety.
MM Davidson, MS Butchko, K Robbins, LW Sherd, SJ Gervais
Psychology of Violence 6 (4), 553, 2016
Toward a unified theory of objectification and dehumanization
SJ Gervais, P Bernard, O Klein, J Allen
Objectification and (de) humanization: 60th Nebraska symposium on motivation …, 2013
Confronting sexism as persuasion: Effects of a confrontation's recipient, source, message, and context
SJ Gervais, AL Hillard
Journal of Social Issues 70 (4), 653-667, 2014
Sexual objectification: The common thread connecting myriad forms of sexual violence against women.
SJ Gervais, S Eagan
American journal of orthopsychiatry 87 (3), 226, 2017
When are people interchangeable sexual objects? The effect of gender and body type on sexual fungibility
SJ Gervais, TK Vescio, J Allen
British Journal of Social Psychology 51 (4), 499-513, 2012
A role congruity perspective on prejudice toward Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin
SJ Gervais, AL Hillard
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 11 (1), 221-240, 2011
The relationship between victimization and substance use among homeless and runaway female adolescents
KA Tyler, SJ Gervais, MM Davidson
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 28 (3), 474-493, 2013
From sex objects to human beings: Masking sexual body parts and humanization as moderators to women’s objectification
P Bernard, SJ Gervais, J Allen, A Delmee, O Klein
Psychology of women quarterly 39 (4), 432-446, 2015
The ripple effects of stranger harassment on objectification of self and others
MM Davidson, SJ Gervais, LW Sherd
Psychology of Women Quarterly 39 (1), 53-66, 2015
Violence against women through the lens of objectification theory
MM Davidson, SJ Gervais
Violence against women 21 (3), 330-354, 2015
The development and psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Sexual Objectification Scale—Perpetration Version.
SJ Gervais, MM Davidson, K Styck, G Canivez, D DiLillo
Psychology of violence 8 (5), 546, 2018
Sexual objectification and sexual assault: Do self-objectification and sexual assertiveness account for the link?
MR Franz, D DiLillo, SJ Gervais
Psychology of Violence 6 (2), 262, 2016
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