Jan Kok
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Cited by
Principles and prospects of the life course paradigm
J Kok
Annales de démographie historique 113 (1), 203-230, 2007
Birth spacing in the Netherlands. The effects of family composition, occupation and religion on birth intervals, 1820–1885
J Van Bavel, J Kok
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de démographie 20, 119-140, 2004
Sibship size and status attainment across contexts: Evidence from the Netherlands, 1840-1925
H Bras, J Kok, K Mandemakers
Demographic Research 23, 73-104, 2010
Permanent celibacy and late marriage in the Netherlands, 1890-1960
T Engelen, J Kok
Population 58 (1), 67-96, 2003
Youth labor migration and its family setting, the Netherlands 1850–1940
J Kok
The History of the Family 2 (4), 507-526, 1997
A mixed effects model of birth spacing for pre-transition populations: evidence of deliberate fertility control from nineteenth century Netherlands
J Van Bavel, J Kok
The history of the Family 15 (2), 125-138, 2010
The family factor in migration decisions
J Kok
Migration history in world history, 213-248, 2010
Naturally, every child was supposed to work. Determinants of the leaving home process in the Netherlands, 1850-1940
H Bras, J Kok
The Road to Independence. Leaving Home in Western and Eastern Societies …, 2003
The role of religion in the Dutch fertility transition: Starting, spacing, and stopping in the heart of the Netherlands, 1845–1945
J Van Bavel, J Kok
Continuity and Change 20 (2), 247-263, 2005
“They live in indifference together”: marriage mobility in Zeeland, the Netherlands, 1796–1922
H Bras, J Kok
International review of social History 50 (S13), 247-274, 2005
Temporary and lasting effects of childhood deprivation on male stature. Late adolescent stature and catch-up growth in Woerden (The Netherlands) in the first half of the …
E Beekink, J Kok
The History of the Family 22 (2-3), 196-213, 2017
Women's agency in historical family systems
J Kok
Agency, gender and economic development in the world economy 1850-2000 …, 2017
Choices and constraints in the migration of families: The central Netherlands, 1850–1940
J Kok
The History of the Family 9 (2), 137-158, 2004
Bridegrooms and biases: A critical look at the study of intergenerational mobility on the basis of marriage certificates
H Delger, J Kok
Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History …, 1998
The moral nation. Illegitimacy and bridal pregnancy in the Netherlands from 1600 to the present
J Kok
Economic and social history in the Netherlands 2, 7-36, 1990
Family systems as frameworks for understanding variation in extra-marital births, Europe 1900-2000
J Kok
Romanian Journal of Population Studies 3 (Supplement), 13-38, 2009
Mortality among illegitimate children in mid-nineteenth-century The Hague
J Kok, F Van Poppel, E Kruse
The decline of infant and child mortality, 193-211, 1997
Social Control and the Intergenerational Transmission of Age at Marriage in Rural Holland,1850-1940
J Van Bavel, J Kok
Population 64 (2), 341-360, 2009
Langs verboden wegen: De achtergronden van buitenechtelijke geboorten in Noord-Holland, 1812-1914
J Kok
(No Title), 1991
A life-course approach to co-residence in the Netherlands, 1850–1940
J Kok, K Mandemakers
Continuity and Change 25 (2), 285-312, 2010
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Articles 1–20