Victor Reijnders
Victor Reijnders
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Energy communities: A Dutch case study
VMJJ Reijnders, MD van der Laan, R Dijkstra
Behind and beyond the meter, 137-155, 2020
A landscape-scale optimisation model to break the hazardous fuel continuum while maintaining habitat quality
J León, VMJJ Reijnders, JW Hearne, M Ozlen, KJ Reinke
Environmental Modeling & Assessment 24, 369-379, 2019
Testing Grid-Based Electricity Prices and Batteries in a Field Test
VMJJ Reijnders, MET Gerard, GJM Smit, JL Hurink
Proceedings of the CIRED Workshop 2018, 2018
A hybrid electricity pricing mechanism for joint system optimization and social acceptance within energy communities
VMJJ Reijnders, MET Gerards, JL Hurink
Energy Reports 8, 13281-13292, 2022
Implementation and verification of a realistic battery model in the DEMKit simulation software
B Homan, VMJJ Reijnders, G Hoogsteen, JL Hurink, GJM Smit
2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2018
Pricing Mechanisms for Energy Communities: The GridFlex Heeten Project
VMJJ Reijnders
A hybrid pricing mechanism for joint system optimization and social acceptance
VMJJ Reijnders, MET Gerards, JL Hurink
2020 6th IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCon), 900-905, 2020
Pricing mechanism based on losses using grid topology
VMJJ Reijnders, JL Hurink, MET Gerards
2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, 1-6, 2019
A spatial optimisation model for fuel management to break the connectivity of high-risk regions while maintaining habitat quality
J León, VMJJ Reijnders, JW Hearne, M Ozlen, KJ Reinke
Robust Solutions for Fire Fighting, RSFF 2018, 8-17, 2018
Probabilistic properties of highly connected random geometric graphs
B Manthey, VMJJ Reijnders
Discrete Applied Mathematics 305, 366-376, 2021
Energy consumption data of the GridFlex Heeten project
VMJJ Reijnders, MET Gerards, JL Hurink
https://doi.org/10.4121/14447257.v1, 2021
Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
JL Hurink, S Klootwijk, B Manthey, VMJJ Reijnders, ...
Proceedings of the 17th Cologne-TwenteWorkshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
JL Hurink, S Klootwijk, B Manthey, VMJJ Reijnders, ...
17th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW 2019, 2019
Probabilistic Properties of Highly Connected Random Geometric Graphs
VMJJ Reijnders, B Manthey
15th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW 2017, 2017
Probabilistic analysis of highly connected random geometric graphs
VMJJ Reijnders
University of Twente, 2016
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