Adina Nerghes
Cited by
Cited by
Co-word Maps and Topic Modeling: A Comparison Using Small and Medium-Sized Corpora (n< 1000)
L Leydesdorff, A Nerghes
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 68 (4 …, 2017
Refugee or migrant crisis? Labels, perceived agency, and sentiment polarity in online discussions
JS Lee, A Nerghes
Social Media+ Society 4 (3), 2056305118785638, 2018
Narratives of the Refugee Crisis: A Comparative Study of Mainstream-Media and Twitter
A Nerghes, JS Lee
Media and Communication 7 (2), 2019
The impact of code-switching on persuasion: An elaboration likelihood perspective
A Nerghes
Wageningen University, 2011
A Toxic Crisis: Metaphorizing the Financial Crisis
A Nerghes, I Hellsten, P Groenewegen
International Journal of Communication 9, 27, 2015
Ideas with impact: How connectivity shapes idea diffusion
D Deichmann, C Moser, JM Birkholz, A Nerghes, P Groenewegen, ...
Research Policy 49 (1), 103881, 2020
The Refugee/Migrant Crisis Dichotomy on Twitter: A Network and Sentiment Perspective
A Nerghes, JS Lee
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, 271-280, 2018
Mapping discursive dynamics of the financial crisis: a structural perspective of concept roles in semantic networks
A Nerghes, JS Lee, P Groenewegen, I Hellsten
Computational Social Networks 2 (16), 2015
The shifting discourse of the European Central Bank : Exploring structural space in semantic networks
A Nerghes, JS Lee, P Groenewegen, I Hellsten
Tenth International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based …, 2014
Early Public Responses to the Zika-Virus on YouTube: Prevalence of and Differences Between Conspiracy Theory and Informational Videos
A Nerghes, P Kerkhof, I Hellsten
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, 127-134, 2018
Dissemination or participation? Exploring scientists’ definitions and science communication goals in the Netherlands
A Nerghes, B Mulder, JS Lee
PLoS ONE 17 (12), e0277677, 2022
Dutch without the Dutch: discourse, policy, and program impacts on the social integration and language acquisition of young refugees (ages 12–23)
M Pozzo, A Nerghes
Social Identities, 2020
Labels and sentiment in social media: On the role of perceived agency in online discussions of the refugee crisis
JS Lee, A Nerghes
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Media & Society, 1-10, 2017
Words in Crisis: A relational perspective of emergent meanings and roles in text
A Nerghes
CPI–Koninklijke Wohrmann BV Amsterdam, 2016
Participation matters: an evaluation of the workbench method
I De Graaf, T Mattijssen, A Nerghes, N Puspita, D Wagenaar, N Zoeteman
ACT Research Report, Wageningen University, 75, 2009
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Humanities Research
FB Karsdorp, B McGillivray, M Wevers, A Nerghes
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020
VU Research Portal
D Deichmann, C Moser, JM Birkholz, A Nerghes, P Groenewegen, ...
Research Policy 49, 103881, 2020
Bootstrapping a DH Network@ KNAW HuC-the DHLab Affiliated Members Initiative
M van Erp, A Nerghes, M Wevers, A van den Bosch
Refugee or Migrant? Mixing methods for social media analysis
A Nerghes
Structure and Content on Twitter: The case of the European Refugee Crisis
J Lee, A Nerghes
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Articles 1–20