P.P. Groenewegen
P.P. Groenewegen
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Green space, urbanity, and health: how strong is the relation?
J Maas, RA Verheij, PP Groenewegen, S De Vries, P Spreeuwenberg
Journal of epidemiology & community health 60 (7), 587-592, 2006
Natural environments—healthy environments? An exploratory analysis of the relationship between greenspace and health
S De Vries, RA Verheij, PP Groenewegen, P Spreeuwenberg
Environment and planning A 35 (10), 1717-1731, 2003
Social contacts as a possible mechanism behind the relation between green space and health
J Maas, SME Van Dillen, RA Verheij, PP Groenewegen
Health & place 15 (2), 586-595, 2009
Morbidity is related to a green living environment
J Maas, RA Verheij, S de Vries, P Spreeuwenberg, FG Schellevis, ...
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 63 (12), 967-973, 2009
Green space as a buffer between stressful life events and health
AE Van den Berg, J Maas, RA Verheij, PP Groenewegen
Social science & medicine 70 (8), 1203-1210, 2010
Streetscape greenery and health: Stress, social cohesion and physical activity as mediators
S De Vries, SM Van Dillen, PP Groenewegen, P Spreeuwenberg
Social science & medicine 94, 26-33, 2013
The breadth of primary care: a systematic literature review of its core dimensions
DS Kringos, WGW Boerma, A Hutchinson, J Van der Zee, ...
BMC health services research 10, 1-13, 2010
Vitamin G: effects of green space on health, well-being, and social safety
PP Groenewegen, AE Van den Berg, S De Vries, RA Verheij
BMC public health 6, 1-9, 2006
Adverse events and potentially preventable deaths in Dutch hospitals: results of a retrospective patient record review study
M Zegers, MC de Bruijne, C Wagner, LHF Hoonhout, R Waaijman, ...
BMJ Quality & Safety 18 (4), 297-302, 2009
The strength of primary care in Europe: an international comparative study
D Kringos, W Boerma, Y Bourgueil, T Cartier, T Dedeu, T Hasvold, ...
British Journal of General Practice 63 (616), e742-e750, 2013
Greenspace in urban neighbourhoods and residents' health: adding quality to quantity
SME Van Dillen, S de Vries, PP Groenewegen, P Spreeuwenberg
J Epidemiol Community Health 66 (6), e8-e8, 2012
Physical activity as a possible mechanism behind the relationship between green space and health: a multilevel analysis
J Maas, RA Verheij, P Spreeuwenberg, PP Groenewegen
BMC public health 8, 1-13, 2008
Netherlands: health system review
M Kroneman, W Boerma, M Van den Berg, P Groenewegen, J de Jong, ...
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, 2016
Switzerland: health system review
C De Pietro, P Camenzind, I Sturny, L Crivelli, S Edwards-Garavoglia, ...
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, 2015
Europe’s strong primary care systems are linked to better population health but also to higher health spending
DS Kringos, W Boerma, J van der Zee, P Groenewegen
Health affairs 32 (4), 686-694, 2013
Field or fields? Building the scaffolding for cumulation of research on institutional fields
C Zietsma, P Groenewegen, DM Logue, CR Hinings
Academy of management annals 11 (1), 391-450, 2017
The psychometric properties of the'Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture'in Dutch hospitals
M Smits, I Christiaans-Dingelhoff, C Wagner, G van der Wal, ...
BMC health services research 8, 1-9, 2008
Monitoring health inequalities through general practice: the Second Dutch National Survey of General Practice
GP Westert, FG Schellevis, DH de Bakker, PP Groenewegen, JM Bensing, ...
The European journal of public health 15 (1), 59-65, 2005
Neighborhood social capital and individual health
SM Mohnen, PP Groenewegen, B Völker, H Flap
Social science & medicine 72 (5), 660-667, 2011
Changing remuneration systems: effects on activity in general practice.
A Krasnik, PP Groenewegen, PA Pedersen, P von Scholten, G Mooney, ...
British Medical Journal 300 (6741), 1698-1701, 1990
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