yakoub salhi
yakoub salhi
Professor, Université d'Artois, CRIL - CNRS
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A sat-based approach for discovering frequent, closed and maximal patterns in a sequence
E Coquery, S Jabbour, L Sais, Y Salhi
ECAI 2012, 258-263, 2012
The Top-k Frequent Closed Itemset Mining Using Top-k SAT Problem
S Jabbour, L Sais, Y Salhi
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in …, 2013
Enumerating prime implicants of propositional formulae in conjunctive normal form
S Jabbour, J Marques-Silva, L Sais, Y Salhi
European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 152-165, 2014
A MIS partition based framework for measuring inconsistency
S Jabbour, Y Ma, B Raddaoui, L Sais, Y Salhi
Fifteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge …, 2016
Extending modern SAT solvers for models enumeration
S Jabbour, J Lonlac, L Sais, Y Salhi
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 15th International Conference on Information …, 2014
Boolean satisfiability for sequence mining
S Jabbour, L Sais, Y Salhi
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information …, 2013
A Pigeon-Hole Based Encoding of Cardinality Constraints.
S Jabbour, L Saïs, Y Salhi
ISAIM 1 (3), 1.2, 2014
Revisiting the learned clauses database reduction strategies
S Jabbour, J Lonlac, L Sais, Y Salhi
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 27 (08), 1850033, 2018
A sat-based approach for mining association rules
A Boudane, S Jabbour, L Sais, Y Salhi
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2016
Decomposition based SAT encodings for itemset mining problems
S Jabbour, L Sais, Y Salhi
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 19th Pacific-Asia …, 2015
On measuring inconsistency using maximal consistent sets
M Ammoura, B Raddaoui, Y Salhi, B Oukacha
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: 13th …, 2015
On an MCS-based inconsistency measure
M Ammoura, Y Salhi, B Oukacha, B Raddaoui
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 80, 443-459, 2017
Mining top-k motifs with a sat-based framework
S Jabbour, L Sais, Y Salhi
Artificial Intelligence 244, 30-47, 2017
Enumerating non-redundant association rules using satisfiability
A Boudane, S Jabbour, L Sais, Y Salhi
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 21st Pacific-Asia …, 2017
Label-free natural deduction systems for intuitionistic and classical modal logics
D Galmiche, Y Salhi
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (4), 373-421, 2010
Studying the use and effect of graph decomposition in qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning
M Sioutis, Y Salhi, JF Condotta
The Knowledge Engineering Review 32, e4, 2017
Quantifying conflicts for spatial and temporal information
JF Condotta, B Raddaoui, Y Salhi
Fifteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge …, 2016
On Structure-Based Inconsistency Measures and Their Computations via Closed Set Packing.
S Jabbour, Y Ma, B Raddaoui, L Sais, Y Salhi
AAMAS, 1749-1750, 2015
Sequent calculi and decidability for intuitionistic hybrid logic
D Galmiche, Y Salhi
Information and Computation 209 (12), 1447-1463, 2011
Label-free proof systems for intuitionistic modal logic IS5
D Galmiche, Y Salhi
International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence …, 2010
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