Andrew S Dunn
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Cited by
Resolution control in a continuous preferential crystallization process
AS Dunn, V Svoboda, J Sefcik, JH Ter Horst
Organic Process Research & Development 23 (9), 2031-2041, 2019
Directional Crystallization from the Melt of an Organic p-Type and n-Type Semiconductor Blend
G Liu, J Liu, AS Dunn, P Nadazdy, P Siffalovic, R Resel, M Abbas, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 21 (9), 5231-5239, 2021
Enabling Mechanical Separation of Enantiomers through Controlled Batchwise Concomitant Crystallization: Digital Design and Experimental Validation
AS Dunn, B Szilagyi, JH ter Horst, ZK Nagy
Crystal Growth & Design 20 (12), 7726-7741, 2020
3 Enabling Mechanical Separation of Enantiomers through Batch Controlled Concomitant Crystallization
AS Dunn, B Szilagyi, ZK Nagy, JH ter Horst
Chiral Resolution Control in Batch and Continuous Crystallization Processes …, 2019
4 Coupled Batch-wise Preferential Crystallization in a Single Moving-Fluid Oscillatory Baffled Crystallizer
AS Dunn, A Anwar, CJ Brown, JH ter Horst
Chiral Resolution Control in Batch and Continuous Crystallization Processes …, 2019
5 Start-up and Steady State of a Continuous Preferential Crystallization in a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
AS Dunn, RRE Steendam, JH ter Horst
Chiral Resolution Control in Batch and Continuous Crystallization Processes …, 2019
Chiral resolution control in batch and continuous crystallization processes for a conglomerate forming compound
AS Dunn
University of Strathclyde, 2019
Enantiomeric Excess Control using Polarimetry in Continuous Crystallization
AS Dunn, V Svoboda, J Sefcik, JH ter Horst
Preparation, characterisation and crystallisation of chiral multi-component materials (MCMs): the case of naproxen and 2-aminopyridine
AJP Cousen, A Dunn, JH ter Horst, CC Wilson
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Articles 1–9