Olivia McEvoy
Cited by
Cited by
Digital engagement and its association with adverse psychiatric symptoms: A longitudinal cohort study utilizing latent class analysis
R Brannigan, CJ Gil-Hernandez, O McEvoy, F Cronin, D Stanistreet, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 133, 107290, 2022
The relative roles of early life, physical activity, sedentarism and diet in social and economic inequalities in body mass index and obesity risk between 9 and 18
R Layte, FM Cronin, S Nivakoski, O McEvoy, R Brannigan, D Stanistreet
SSM-Population Health 24, 101499, 2023
Verification of the Goldilocks hypothesis: the association between screen use, digital media and psychiatric symptoms in the Growing up in Ireland study
R Brannigan, F Cronin, O McEvoy, D Stanistreet, R Layte
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 58 (8), 1259-1264, 2023
The role of family, school and neighbourhood in explaining inequalities in physical activity trajectories between age 9 and 18
O McEvoy, F Cronin, R Brannigan, D Stanistreet, R Layte
SSM-Population Health 19, 101216, 2022
Bringing the group back in: Social class and resistance in adolescent smoking
O McEvoy, R Layte
Sociology of Health & Illness, 2024
MESL 2018
DC Bernadette Mac Mahon, R Thornton, O McEvoy, L Hennessey
Credit Author Statement
R Brannigan, CJ Gil-Hernández, O McEvoy, F Cronin, D Stanistreet, ...
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Articles 1–7