Annalina Caputo
Annalina Caputo
Assistant Professor, Dublin City University, ADAPT centre, I-Form centre
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An enhanced lesk word sense disambiguation algorithm through a distributional semantic model
P Basile, A Caputo, G Semeraro
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on …, 2014
Brain tumor segmentation of MRI images: A comprehensive review on the application of artificial intelligence tools
R Ranjbarzadeh, A Caputo, EB Tirkolaee, SJ Ghoushchi, M Bendechache
Computers in biology and medicine 152, 106405, 2023
DIACR-Ita@ EVALITA2020: Overview of the evalita2020 diachronic lexical semantics (diacr-ita) task
P Basile, A Caputo, T Caselli, P Cassotti, R Varvara
Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian, 2020
Concept-based item representations for a cross-lingual content-based recommendation process
F Narducci, P Basile, C Musto, P Lops, A Caputo, M de Gemmis, ...
Information Sciences 374, 15-31, 2016
Breast tumor localization and segmentation using machine learning techniques: Overview of datasets, findings, and methods
R Ranjbarzadeh, S Dorosti, SJ Ghoushchi, A Caputo, EB Tirkolaee, SS Ali, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 152, 106443, 2023
Brain tumor segmentation based on optimized convolutional neural network and improved chimp optimization algorithm
R Ranjbarzadeh, P Zarbakhsh, A Caputo, EB Tirkolaee, M Bendechache
Computers in Biology and Medicine 168, 107723, 2024
Unlocking digital archives: cross-disciplinary perspectives on AI and born-digital data
L Jaillant, A Caputo
AI & society 37 (3), 823-835, 2022
LifeSeeker 3.0: An Interactive Lifelog Search Engine for LSC'21
TN Nguyen, TK Le, VT Ninh, MT Tran, N Thanh Binh, G Healy, A Caputo, ...
Proceedings of the 4th annual on lifelog search challenge, 41-46, 2021
Diachronic analysis of the italian language exploiting google ngram
P Basile, A Caputo, R Luisi, G Semeraro
CLiC it, 56, 2016
Analysing word meaning over time by exploiting temporal random indexing
P Basile, A Caputo, G Semeraro
First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014 1, 38-42, 2014
Overview of the evalita 2016 named entity recognition and linking in italian tweets (neel-it) task
P Basile, A Caputo, AL Gentile, G Rizzo
EVALITA. Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian: Proceedings of the …, 2016
SABRE: A sentiment aspect-based retrieval engine
A Caputo, P Basile, M de Gemmis, P Lops, G Semeraro, G Rossiello
Information Filtering and Retrieval: DART 2014: Revised and Invited Papers …, 2017
Digitisation of metal AM for part microstructure and property control
MN Dogu, E McCarthy, R McCann, V Mahato, A Caputo, M Bambach, ...
International Journal of Material Forming 15 (3), 30, 2022
Temporal random indexing: A system for analysing word meaning over time
A Caputo, P Basile, G Semeraro
IJCoL. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics 1 (1-1), 61-74, 2015
Exploiting distributional semantic models in question answering
P Molino, P Basile, A Caputo, P Lops, G Semeraro
2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Semantic Computing, 146-153, 2012
E-LifeSeeker: An interactive lifelog search engine for lsc’23
TN Nguyen, TK Le, VT Ninh, C Gurrin, MT Tran, TB Nguyen, G Healy, ...
Proceedings of the 6th Annual ACM Lifelog Search Challenge, 13-17, 2023
Boosting a semantic search engine by named entities
A Caputo, P Basile, G Semeraro
International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 241-250, 2009
Enhancing Semantic Search using N-Levels Document Representation
P Basile, A Caputo, AL Gentile, M Degemmis, P Lops, G Semeraro
SemSearch 334, 29-43, 2008
Encoding syntactic dependencies by vector permutation
P Basile, A Caputo, G Semeraro
Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural …, 2011
Brain tumor segmentation based on zernike moments, enhanced ant lion optimization, and convolutional neural network in MRI images
A Bagherian Kasgari, R Ranjbarzadeh, A Caputo, S Baseri Saadi, ...
Metaheuristics and Optimization in Computer and Electrical Engineering …, 2023
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