Paul Birevu Muyinda
Paul Birevu Muyinda
Professor of Open, Distance and eLearning, Makerere University
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Adoption of the SAMR model to asses ICT pedagogical adoption: A case of Makerere University
JT Lubega, M Paul
A social networked learning adoption model for higher education institutions in developing countries
G Maleko Munguatosha, P Birevu Muyinda, J Thaddeus Lubega
On the Horizon 19 (4), 307-320, 2011
MLearning: pedagogical, technical and organisational hypes and realities
PB Muyinda
Campus-Wide Information Systems 24 (2), 97-104, 2007
Integration of ICT in teaching and learning: a review of theories
A Luhamya, FEK Bakkabulindi, PB Muyinda
Makerere Journal of Higher Education 9 (1), 21-36, 2017
Mobile learning objects deployment and utilization in developing countries
PB Muyinda, JT Lubega, K Lynch, T van der Weide
International Journal of Computing and ICT Research 4 (1), 37-46, 2010
Open and distance learning in dual mode universities: A treasure unexploited
PB Muyinda
International perspectives of distance learning in higher education, 33-50, 2012
M-learning: the educational use of mobile communication devices
PB Muyinda, E Mugisa, K Lynch
Strengthening the Role of ICT in Development 72, 290-301, 2007
Learning groups for MOOCs lessons for online learning in higher education
G Mayende, A Prinz, GMN Isabwe, PB Muyinda
Interactive Collaborative Learning: Proceedings of the 19th ICL Conference …, 2017
Unleashing mobile phones for research supervision support at Makerere University, Uganda: the lessons learned
PB Muyinda, JT Lubega, K Lynch
International Journal of innovation and Learning 7 (1), 14-34, 2010
Facebook mediated interaction and learning in distance learning at Makerere University
G Mayende, PB Muyinda, GMN Isabwe, M Walimbwa, SN Siminyu
International Association for the Development of the Information Society., 2014
A framework for instantiating pedagogic mLearning objects applications
PB Muyinda, JT Lubega, K Lynch, T Van Der Weide
Theoretical Aspects of Computing–ICTAC 2011: 8th International Colloquium …, 2011
Deploying and utilizing learning objects on mobile phones
BP Muyinda, K Lynch, TP van der Weide
Kampala: Makerere University, 2010
Tracking students’ eye-movements when reading learning objects on mobile phones: A discourse analysis of Luganda language teacher-trainees’ reflective observations
D Kabugo, PB Muyinda, FM Masagazi, AM Mugagga, MB Mulumba
Journal of Learning for Development 3 (1), 2016
Requirements for a seamless collaborative and cooperative MLearning system
PB Muyinda, G Mayende, J Kizito
Seamless learning in the age of mobile connectivity, 201-222, 2015
Peer assessment based assignment to enhance interactions in online learning groups
G Mayende, GMN Isabwe, PB Muyinda, A Prinz
2015 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL …, 2015
Online learning challenges in academia: The case of Uganda
F Bwire, E Bagarukayo, P Birevu Muyinda
CSEDU, 2020
Widely Acclaimed but Lowly Utilized: Congruencing ODL Utilization with Its Wide Acclaim.
PB Muyinda, G Mayende, G Maiga, B Oyo
Horizon Research Publishing, 2019
Mobile research supervision initiative (MRSI) at Makerere University: Lessons to learn
PB Muyinda, K Lynch, JT Lubega
Strengthening the Role of ICT in Development 9, 359, 2008
A model for scaffolding traditional distance learners in Africa for constructivic online learning
PB Muyinda, JT Lubega, K Lynch
Makerere Journal of Higher Education 2, 2009
The Utilisation of a Mobile Phone Forum on the Winksite application in the teaching and learning of History: A case study of Pre-service Teachers at Makerere University
DK Sebbowa, PB Muyinda
Yesterday and Today, 124-147, 2018
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