Camille Morvan
Camille Morvan
Post-doctoral researcher, Harvard University
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An analysis of Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman's judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases
C Morvan, WJ Jenkins
Macat Library, 2017
Human visual search does not maximize the post-saccadic probability of identifying targets
C Morvan, LT Maloney
PLoS computational biology 8 (2), e1002342, 2012
Gambling in the visual periphery: a conjoint-measurement analysis of human ability to judge visual uncertainty
H Zhang, C Morvan, LT Maloney
PLoS computational biology 6 (12), e1001023, 2010
The nonlinear structure of motion perception during smooth eye movements
C Morvan, M Wexler
Journal of Vision 9 (7), 1-1, 2009
Reference frames in early motion detection
C Morvan, M Wexler
Journal of Vision 5 (2), 4-4, 2005
Very slow search and reach: failure to maximize expected gain in an eye-hand coordination task
H Zhang, C Morvan, LA Etezad-Heydari, LT Maloney
Public Library of Science 8 (10), e1002718, 2012
Suboptimal selection of initial saccade in a visual search task
C Morvan, L Maloney
Journal of Vision 9 (8), 444-444, 2009
An abstract equivalent of visual search: Gain maximization fails in the absence of visual judgments
R Pedersini, C Morvan, LT Maloney, TS Horowitz, JM Wolfe
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 1311-1311, 2010
Observers are inconsistent and inaccurate in judging their own visual detection ability at different retinal locations
C Morvan, H Zhang, L Maloney
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 1303-1303, 2010
Sub-optimal eye movement strategies in simple visual and visuo-motor tasks
LT Maloney, H Zhang, C Morvan, LA Etezad-Heydari
PERCEPTION 42, 227-227, 2013
Saccade target visible on landing despite removal: Can human observers see the prediction generated by presaccadic remapping?
C Morvan, H Deubel, P Cavanagh
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 538-538, 2011
Crowding is immune to the pre-saccadic shift of attention
C Morvan, P Cavanagh
PERCEPTION 40, 35-35, 2011
Eye-hand coordination in finding and touching a target among distractors
H Zhang, C Morvan, LA Etezad-Heydari, L Maloney
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 532-532, 2010
Gambling in the Visual Periphery: A Conjoint-Measurement Analysis of Human Ability to Judge Visual
H Zhang, C Morvan, LT Maloney
New results in motion constancy during smooth pursuit eye movements
C Morvan, J Droulez, M Wexler
Journal of Vision 7 (9), 725-725a, 2007
Influence of retinal information on the smooth pursuit compensation signal
C Morvan, M Wexler
PERCEPTION 35, 228-229, 2006
The timing of space constancy during smooth pursuit eye movements
C Morvan, M Wexler
Journal of Vision 5 (8), 132-132, 2005
Keeping track of objects while exploring a spatial layout with partial cues: Location-based and direction-based strategies
NJ Bullot, J Droulez, C Morvan, ZW Pylyshyn
Vision Sciences, 364a, 2004
Motion detection by active observers
CL Morvan, M Wexler
Journal of Vision 4 (8), 566-566, 2004
Early compensation for smooth-pursuit eye movement in motion detection
C Morvan, M Wexler
PERCEPTION 33, 17-17, 2004
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Articles 1–20