Stephen Wiggins
Stephen Wiggins
Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Bristol
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Cited by
Global bifurcations and chaos: analytical methods
S Wiggins
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Chaotic transport in dynamical systems
S Wiggins
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds in dynamical systems
S Wiggins
Springer Science & Business Media, 1994
An analytical study of transport, mixing and chaos in an unsteady vortical flow
V Rom-Kedar, A Leonard, S Wiggins
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 214, 347-394, 1990
Introduction: mixing in microfluidics
JM Ottino, S Wiggins
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 2004
Foundations of chaotic mixing
S Wiggins, JM Ottino
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 2004
The geometry of reaction dynamics
T Uzer, C Jaffé, J Palacián, P Yanguas, S Wiggins
nonlinearity 15 (4), 957, 2002
The dynamical systems approach to Lagrangian transport in oceanic flows
S Wiggins
Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 37 (1), 295-328, 2005
Orbits homoclinic to resonances, with an application to chaos in a model of the forced and damped sine-Gordon equation
G Kovačič, S Wiggins
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 57 (1-2), 185-225, 1992
Transport in two-dimensional maps
V Rom-Kedar, S Wiggins
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 109, 239-298, 1990
Lagrangian descriptors: A method for revealing phase space structures of general time dependent dynamical systems
AM Mancho, S Wiggins, J Curbelo, C Mendoza
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 (12), 3530-3557, 2013
Impenetrable barriers in phase-space
S Wiggins, L Wiesenfeld, C Jaffé, T Uzer
Physical Review Letters 86 (24), 5478, 2001
Wigner's dynamical transition state theory in phase space: classical and quantum
H Waalkens, R Schubert, S Wiggins
Nonlinearity 21 (1), R1, 2007
The mathematical foundations of mixing: the linked twist map as a paradigm in applications: micro to macro, fluids to solids
R Sturman, JM Ottino, S Wiggins
Cambridge University Press, 2006
On the integrability and perturbation of three-dimensional fluid flows with symmetry
I Mezić, S Wiggins
Journal of Nonlinear Science 4, 157-194, 1994
Lagrangian transport in geophysical jets and waves: The dynamical systems approach
RM Samelson, S Wiggins
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Time–frequency analysis of chaotic systems
C Chandre, S Wiggins, T Uzer
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 181 (3-4), 171-196, 2003
A tutorial on dynamical systems concepts applied to Lagrangian transport in oceanic flows defined as finite time data sets: Theoretical and computational issues
AM Mancho, D Small, S Wiggins
Physics Reports 437 (3-4), 55-124, 2006
Distinguished hyperbolic trajectories in time-dependent fluid flows: analytical and computational approach for velocity fields defined as data sets
K Ide, D Small, S Wiggins
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 9 (3/4), 237-263, 2002
Designing optimal micromixers
JM Ottino, S Wiggins
Science 305 (5683), 485-486, 2004
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Articles 1–20