Michael Carney
Michael Carney
Professor of Management Concordia University
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Corporate Governance and Competitive Advantage in Family‐Controlled Firms
M Carney
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 29 (3), 249-265, 2005
Business group affiliation, performance, context, and strategy: A meta-analysis
M Carney, ER Gedajlovic, PP Heugens, M Van Essen, JH Van Oosterhout
Academy of Management Journal 54 (3), 437-460, 2011
Vertical integration in franchise systems: Agency theory and resource explanations
M Carney, E Gedajlovic
Strategic Management Journal 12 (8), 607-629, 1991
The adolescence of family firm research: Taking stock and planning for the future
E Gedajlovic, M Carney, JJ Chrisman, FW Kellermanns
Journal of Management 38 (4), 1010-1037, 2012
What do we know about private family firms? A meta–analytical review
M Carney, M Van Essen, ER Gedajlovic, PP Heugens
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 39 (3), 513-544, 2015
The co-evolution of institutional environments and organizational strategies: The rise of family business groups in the ASEAN region
M Carney, E Gedajlovic
Organization Studies 23 (1), 1-29, 2002
Does “Good” Corporate Governance Help in a Crisis? The Impact of Country‐and Firm‐Level Governance Mechanisms in the European Financial Crisis
M Essen, PJ Engelen, M Carney
Corporate Governance: An International Review 21 (3), 201-224, 2013
Markets, hierarchies, and families: Toward a transaction cost theory of the family firm
E Gedajlovic, M Carney
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 34 (6), 1145-1172, 2010
Varieties of Asian capitalism: Toward an institutional theory of Asian enterprise
M Carney, E Gedajlovic, X Yang
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 26 (3), 361-380, 2009
How does family control influence firm strategy and performance? A meta‐analysis of US publicly listed firms
M van Essen, M Carney, ER Gedajlovic, PP Heugens
Corporate Governance: An International Review 23 (1), 3-24, 2015
The coupling of ownership and control and the allocation of financial resources: Evidence from Hong Kong
M Carney, E Gedajlovic
Journal of Management Studies 39 (1), 123-146, 2002
The competitiveness of networked production: the role of trust and asset specificity
M Carney
Journal of Management Studies 35 (4), 457-479, 1998
Corporate boards and the performance of Asian firms: A meta-analysis
M van Essen, J Oosterhout, M Carney
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2012
A management capacity constraint? Obstacles to the development of the overseas Chinese family business
M Carney
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 15 (2), 137-162, 1998
The resilient family firm: Stakeholder outcomes and institutional effects
M van Essen, VM Strike, M Carney, S Sapp
Corporate Governance: An International Review 23 (3), 167-183, 2015
Who fills institutional voids? Entrepreneurs’ utilization of political and family ties in emerging markets
J Ge, M Carney, F Kellermanns
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 43 (6), 1124-1147, 2019
Strategic innovation and the administrative heritage of East Asian family business groups
M Carney, E Gedajlovic
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 20 (1), 5-26, 2003
Public, private and mixed ownership and the performance of international airlines
M Backx, M Carney, E Gedajlovic
Journal of Air Transport Management 8 (4), 213-220, 2002
The strategy and structure of collective action
MG Carney
Organization Studies 8 (4), 341-362, 1987
Airport governance reform: a strategic management perspective
M Carney, K Mew
Journal of Air Transport Management 9 (4), 221-232, 2003
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