Kobingi Nyakeya, Senior Research Scientist
Kobingi Nyakeya, Senior Research Scientist
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Kisii University
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Cited by
Biomonitoring as a prerequisite for sustainable water resources: a review of current status, opportunities and challenges to scaling up in East Africa
FO Masese, JO Omukoto, K Nyakeya
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 13 (3), 173-191, 2013
Assessment of pollution impacts on the ecological integrity of the Kisian and Kisat rivers in Lake Victoria drainage basin, Kenya
N Kobingi, PO Raburu, FO Masese, J Gichuki
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 3 (4), 097-107, 2009
Post-harvest interventions in small-scale fisheries: a boon or bane to food and nutritional security in Kenya?
CO Odoli, H Owiti, N Kobingi, M Obiero, Z Ogari, J Mugo, C Nyamweya, ...
Food Security 11, 855-868, 2019
Environmental constraints on macrophyte distribution and diversity in a tropical endorheic freshwater lake (Lake Baringo, Kenya)
R Ondiba, R Omondi, K Nyakeya, J Abwao, S Musa, E Oyoo-Okoth
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 6 (3), 251-259, 2018
Citizen science for bio-indication: development of a community-based index of ecosystem integrity for assessing the status of Afrotropical riverine ecosystems
CM Aura, CS Nyamweya, H Owiti, C Odoli, S Musa, JM Njiru, K Nyakeya, ...
Frontiers in Water 2, 609215, 2021
Bioassessment of multiple stressors in Afrotropical rivers: Evaluating the performance of a macroinvertebrate-based index of biotic integrity, diversity, and regional biotic …
FO Masese, EW Wanderi, K Nyakeya, AO Achieng, K Fouchy, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 11, 1015623, 2023
Endemic Lake Baringo Oreochromis niloticus fishery on verge of collapse: Review of causes and strategies directed to its recovery, conservation and management …
K Nyakeya, E Chemoiwa, JM Nyamora, CO Ogombe, ZM Gichana, ...
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 25 (4), 423-438, 2020
Life cycle responses of the midge of Chironomus species (Diptera: Chironomidae) to sugarcane and paper pulp effluents exposure
K Nyakeya, JM Nyamora, PO Raburu, FO Masese, EC Kerich, ...
African Journal of Education, Science and Technology 4 (3), 1-13, 2018
Dynamics of hydrology on the physico-chemical water quality parameters and trophic State of Lake Baringo, Kenya
K Nyakeya, KG Kipkorir, JM Nyamora, CO Odoli, E Kerich
Africa Environmental Review Journal 3 (1), 94-107, 2018
Growth performance of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) fed on formulated and non-formulated diets made from locally available ingredients in South Coast region, Kenya
EW Magondu, M Mokaya, A Ototo, K Nyakeya, J Nyamora
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 4 (1), 288-293, 2016
Pesticide residue levels in Nzoia river catchment area
S Tarus, KJ Lusweti, F Segor
Journal of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems, 2023
Assessment of theFisheries Status in River Molo to Guide the Management on its Fisheries
K Nyakeya
African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2018
Production of aerobic, anaerobic and anoxic bioflocs from tilapia sludge
EW Magondu, MCJ Verdegem, K Nyakeya, M Mokaya
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2 (5), 347-352, 2015
Cage farming in the environmental mix of Lake Victoria: An analysis of its status, potential environmental and ecological effects, and a call for sustainability
K Nyakeya, FO Masese, Z Gichana, JM Nyamora, A Getabu, J Onchieku, ...
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 25 (4), 37-52, 2022
Sensitivity of the native Chironomus species in monitoring of riverine ecosystems in the catchments of Lake Victoria Drainage Basin, Kenya
K Nyakeya, PO Raburu, FO Masese, J Tsuma, JM Nyamora, ...
Africa Environmental Review Journal 2 (2), 126-133, 2017
Effects of lake‐level changes on water quality and fisheries production of Lake Baringo, Kenya
JR Walumona, B Kaunda‐Arara, C Odoli Ogombe, JM Murakaru, ...
Ecohydrology 15 (1), e2368, 2022
Incidence of larvae deformities in Chironomus species (Diptera: Chironomidae) as bio-indicators of water quality in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
K Nyakeya, J Nyamora, EC Kerich
African Journal of Education, Science and Technology 4 (3), 47-60, 2018
Zooplankton communities of Lake Victoria and its effects on the fishery
K Nyakeya, JE Chemoiwo, JM Nyamora, E Kerich, Z Gichana
Africa Environmental Review Journal 3 (2), 45-56, 2019
Long line seaweed farming as an alternative to other commonly used methods in Kenyan Coast
J Nyamora, E Mangondu, G Mwihaki, J Muya, K Nyakeya
Kenya Aquatica Journal, 2018
Enhancing productivity of Labeo victorianus ponds using maize flour as a carbohydrate source
EW Magondu, H Charo‐Karisa, MCJ Verdegem, K Nyakeya
Aquaculture Nutrition 21 (6), 942-951, 2015
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Articles 1–20