Daan W de Kort
Daan W de Kort
Shell, University of Cambridge
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Nanoconfined LiBH4 and Enhanced Mobility of Liand BH4 Studied by Solid-State NMR
MHW Verkuijlen, P Ngene, DW de Kort, C Barré, A Nale, ERH van Eck, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (42), 22169-22178, 2012
A combined rheology and time domain NMR approach for determining water distributions in protein blends
BL Dekkers, DW de Kort, KJ Grabowska, B Tian, H Van As, ...
Food Hydrocolloids 60, 525-532, 2016
NMR nanoparticle diffusometry in hydrogels: enhancing sensitivity and selectivity
DW de Kort, JPM van Duynhoven, FJM Hoeben, HM Janssen, H Van As
Analytical chemistry 86 (18), 9229-9235, 2014
Scaling behavior of dendritic nanoparticle mobility in semidilute polymer solutions
DW de Kort, WH Rombouts, FJM Hoeben, HM Janssen, H Van As, ...
Macromolecules 48 (20), 7585-7591, 2015
Nanoparticle diffusometry for quantitative assessment of submicron structure in food biopolymer networks
DW de Kort, JPM van Duynhoven, H Van As, F Mariette
Trends in Food Science & Technology 42 (1), 13-26, 2015
Reversible temperature-switching of hydrogel stiffness of coassembled, silk-collagen-like hydrogels
WH Rombouts, DW De Kort, TTH Pham, CPM van Mierlo, MWT Werten, ...
Biomacromolecules 16 (8), 2506-2513, 2015
Yielding and flow of cellulose microfibril dispersions in the presence of a charged polymer
DW De Kort, SJ Veen, H Van As, D Bonn, KP Velikov, ...
Soft Matter 12 (21), 4739-4744, 2016
Complex coacervate core micelles with spectroscopic labels for diffusometric probing of biopolymer networks
N Bourouina, DW de Kort, FJM Hoeben, HM Janssen, H Van As, ...
Langmuir 31 (46), 12635-12643, 2015
Acquisition of Spatially-Resolved Displacement Propagators Using Compressed Sensing APGSTE-RARE MRI
DW de Kort, A Reci, NP Ramskill, M Appel, H de Jong, MD Mantle, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2018
Under-sampling and compressed sensing of 3D spatially-resolved displacement propagators in porous media using APGSTE-RARE MRI
DW de Kort, SA Hertel, M Appel, H de Jong, MD Mantle, AJ Sederman, ...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 56, 24-31, 2019
Heterogeneity of network structures and water dynamics in κ-carrageenan gels probed by nanoparticle diffusometry
DW De Kort, E Schuster, FJM Hoeben, R Barnes, M Emondts, ...
Langmuir 34 (37), 11110-11120, 2018
Identification of sampling patterns for high‐resolution compressed sensing MRI of porous materials:‘learning’from X‐ray microcomputed tomography data
K Karlsons, DW De Kort, AJ Sederman, MD Mantle, H De Jong, M Appel, ...
Journal of Microscopy 276 (2), 63-81, 2019
Characterizing pore-scale structure-flow correlations in sedimentary rocks using magnetic resonance imaging
K Karlsons, DW De Kort, AJ Sederman, MD Mantle, JJ Freeman, M Appel, ...
Physical Review E 103 (2), 023104, 2021
Integrating pore-scale flow MRI and X-ray μCT for validation of numerical flow simulations in porous sedimentary rocks
K Karlsons, DW de Kort, FO Alpak, J Dietderich, JJ Freeman, M Appel, ...
Transport in Porous Media 143 (2), 373-396, 2022
Fast spatially-resolved T2 measurements with constant-gradient CPMG
SA Hertel, DW de Kort, I Bush, AJ Sederman, LF Gladden, B Anger, ...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 56, 70-76, 2019
Rheo-NMR: Applications to Food
DW de Kort, T Nikolaeva, JA Dijksman
Modern Magnetic Resonance, 1589-1608, 2018
Accelerating the estimation of 3D spatially resolved T2 distributions
A Reci, DW de Kort, AJ Sederman, LF Gladden
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296, 93-102, 2018
Estimating microstructural length scales in κ-carrageenan hydrogels by PFG NMR nanoprobe diffusometry
DW de Kort, H Van As, JPM van Duynhoven
Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on the Applications of …, 2016
19F Labelled Polyion Micelles as Diffusional Nanoprobes
DW de Kort, FJM Hoeben, HM Janssen, N Bourouina, JM Kleijn, ...
Proceedings of the meeting XII International Conference on the Applications …, 2015
Magnetic Resonance Micro-Imaging of Hydrogels
MD Mantle, DW De Kort
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Articles 1–20