Beibei Li
Beibei Li
Professor (Doctoral Advisor), Sichuan University, China
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DeepFed: Federated Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
B Li, Y Wu, J Song, R Lu, T Li, L Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (8), 5615 - 5624, 2020
On Feasibility and Limitations of Detecting False Data Injection Attacks on Power Grid State Estimation Using D-FACTS Devices
B Li, G Xiao, R Lu, R Deng, H Bao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (2), 854 - 864, 2019
Distributed Host-Based Collaborative Detection for False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grid Cyber-Physical System
B Li, R Lu, W Wang, KKR Choo
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 103, 32-41, 2017
Adaptive Consensus for Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems under Sensor and Actuator Attacks
M Meng, G Xiao, B Li
Automatica, 2020
DDOA: A Dirichlet-Based Detection Scheme for Opportunistic Attacks in Smart Grid Cyber-Physical System
B Li, R Lu, W Wang, KKR Choo
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11 (11), 2415-2425, 2016
Privacy-Preserving Aggregation for Federated Learning-Based Navigation in Vehicular Fog
Q Kong, F Yin*, R Lu, B Li*, X Wang, S Cui, P Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021
BLITHE: Behavior Rule-Based Insider Threat Detection for Smart Grid
H Bao, R Lu, B Li, R Deng
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (2), 190-205, 2015
DeepDetectNet vs RLAttackNet: An Adversarial Method to Improve Deep Learning-based Static Malware Detection Model
Y Fang, Y Zeng, B Li, L Liu, L Zhang
Plos one 15 (4), e0231626, 2020
JSContana: Malicious JavaScript Detection Using Adaptable Context Analysis and Key Feature Extraction
Y Huang, T Li, L Zhang, B Li, X Liu
Computers & Security, 102218, 2021
Detection of False Data Injection Attacks on Smart Grids: A Resilience-Enhanced Scheme
B Li, R Lu, G Xiao, T Li, KKR Choo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (4), 2679 - 2692, 2021
SP-SMOTE: A Novel Space Partitioning based Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique
Y Li, Y Wang, T Li, B Li, X Lan
Knowledge-Based Systems 228, 107269, 2021
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Data Merging and Skyline Computation over Multi-Source Encrypted Data
Y Zheng, R Lu, B Li, J Shao, H Yang, KKR Choo
Information Sciences 498, 91-105, 2019
Federated Anomaly Detection on System Logs for the Internet of Things: A Customizable and Communication-Efficient Approach
B Li, S Ma, R Deng, KKR Choo, J Yang
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 19 (2), 1705-1716, 2022
Resource Provisioning for Mitigating Edge DDoS Attacks In MEC-Enabled SDVN
Y Deng, H Jiang, P Cai, T Wu, P Zhou, B Li, H Lu, J Wu, X Chen, K Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (23), 24264-24280, 2022
Polarization-dependent detection of cylinder nanoparticles with mode splitting in a high-Q whispering-gallery microresonator
X Yi, YF Xiao, Y Li, YC Liu, BB Li, ZP Liu, Q Gong
Applied Physics Letters 97 (20), 2010
Hybrid photonic–plasmonic mode for refractometer and nanoparticle trapping
YW Hu, BB Li, YX Liu, YF Xiao, Q Gong
Optics Communications 291, 380-385, 2013
FEEL: Federated End-to-End Learning with Non-IID data for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
B Li, Y Jiang, Q Pei, T Li, L Liu, R Lu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (9), 16728-16740, 2022
On Reliability Analysis of Smart Grids under Topology Attacks: A Stochastic Petri Net Approach
B Li, R Lu, KKR Choo, W Wang, S Luo
ACM Transactions On Cyber-Physical Systems 3 (1), 10, 2019
Incentive-Based Federated Learning for Digital-Twin-Driven Industrial Mobile Crowdsensing
B Li, Y Shi, Q Kong, Q Du, R Lu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (20), 17851-17864, 2023
$\bm {P}^{\bm {3}} $: Privacy-Preserving Prediction of Real-Time Energy Demands in EV Charging Networks
B Li, Y Guo, Q Du, Z Zhu, X Li, R Lu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19 (3), 3029-3038, 2022
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