Paolo Rosso
Cited by
Cited by
Semeval-2019 task 5: Multilingual detection of hate speech against immigrants and women in twitter
V Basile, C Bosco, E Fersini, D Nozza, V Patti, FMR Pardo, P Rosso, ...
Proceedings of the 13th international workshop on semantic evaluation, 54-63, 2019
A multidimensional approach for detecting irony in twitter
A Reyes, P Rosso, T Veale
Language resources and evaluation 47, 239-268, 2013
From humor recognition to irony detection: The figurative language of social media
A Reyes, P Rosso, D Buscaldi
Data & Knowledge Engineering 74, 1-12, 2012
Overview of the 5th international competition on plagiarism detection
M Potthast, M Hagen, T Gollub, M Tippmann, J Kiesel, P Rosso, ...
CLEF Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation …, 2013
An evaluation framework for plagiarism detection
M Potthast, B Stein, A Barrón-Cedeño, P Rosso
Coling 2010: Posters, 997-1005, 2010
Overview of the 3rd Author Profiling Task at PAN 2015
FM Rangel Pardo, F Celli, P Rosso, M Potthast, B Stein, W Daelemans
CLEF 2015 evaluation labs and workshop working notes papers, 1-8, 2015
Overview of the author profiling task at PAN 2013
F Rangel, P Rosso, M Koppel, E Stamatatos, G Inches
CLEF conference on multilingual and multimodal information access evaluation …, 2013
Cross-language plagiarism detection
M Potthast, A Barrón-Cedeno, B Stein, P Rosso
Language Resources and Evaluation 45, 45-62, 2011
Semeval-2015 task 11: Sentiment analysis of figurative language in twitter
A Ghosh, G Li, T Veale, P Rosso, E Shutova, J Barnden, A Reyes
Proceedings of the 9th international workshop on semantic evaluation …, 2015
Overview of the task on automatic misogyny identification at IberEval 2018.
E Fersini, P Rosso, M Anzovino
Ibereval@ sepln 2150, 214-228, 2018
A Comparison of Upper Ontologies.
V Mascardi, V Cordì, P Rosso
Woa 2007, 55-64, 2007
Overview of the 5th author profiling task at pan 2017: Gender and language variety identification in twitter
F Rangel, P Rosso, M Potthast, B Stein
Working notes papers of the CLEF 48, 2017
Anersys: An arabic named entity recognition system based on maximum entropy
Y Benajiba, P Rosso, JM Benedíruiz
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 8th International …, 2007
Overview of the 4th author profiling task at PAN 2016: cross-genre evaluations
F Rangel, P Rosso, B Verhoeven, W Daelemans, M Potthast, B Stein
Working Notes Papers of the CLEF 2016 Evaluation Labs. CEUR Workshop …, 2016
Automatic identification and classification of misogynistic language on twitter
M Anzovino, E Fersini, P Rosso
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 23rd International …, 2018
Convolutional neural networks for authorship attribution of short texts
P Shrestha, S Sierra, FA González, M Montes, P Rosso, T Solorio
Proceedings of the 15th conference of the European chapter of the …, 2017
An emotional analysis of false information in social media and news articles
B Ghanem, P Rosso, F Rangel
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 20 (2), 1-18, 2020
Making objective decisions from subjective data: Detecting irony in customer reviews
A Reyes, P Rosso
Decision support systems 53 (4), 754-760, 2012
Overview of the evalita 2018 task on automatic misogyny identification (ami)
E Fersini, D Nozza, P Rosso
CEUR workshop proceedings 2263, 1-9, 2018
Wikipedia vandalism detection: Combining natural language, metadata, and reputation features
BT Adler, L De Alfaro, SM Mola-Velasco, P Rosso, AG West
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 12th …, 2011
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Articles 1–20