Konstantinos Priftis
Konstantinos Priftis
Full Professor, Department of General Psychology, University of Padova, Italy
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Neglect disrupts the mental number line
M Zorzi, K Priftis, C Umiltà
Nature 417 (6885), 138-139, 2002
P300-based brain computer interface: reliability and performance in healthy and paralysed participants
F Piccione, F Giorgi, P Tonin, K Priftis, S Giove, S Silvoni, G Palmas, ...
Clinical neurophysiology 117 (3), 531-537, 2006
Number-space mapping in the newborn chick resembles humans’ mental number line
R Rugani, G Vallortigara, K Priftis, L Regolin
Science 347 (6221), 534-536, 2015
Controlling memory impairment in elderly adults using virtual reality memory training: a randomized controlled pilot study
G Optale, C Urgesi, V Busato, S Marin, L Piron, K Priftis, L Gamberini, ...
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 24 (4), 348-357, 2010
The spatial representation of numerical and non-numerical sequences: Evidence from neglect
M Zorzi, K Priftis, F Meneghello, R Marenzi, C Umiltà
Neuropsychologia 44 (7), 1061-1067, 2006
Explicit versus implicit processing of representational space in neglect: Dissociations in accessing the mental number line
K Priftis, M Zorzi, F Meneghello, R Marenzi, C Umiltà
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 18 (4), 680-688, 2006
The spatial representation of numbers: evidence from neglect and pseudoneglect
C Umiltà, K Priftis, M Zorzi
Experimental Brain Research 192, 561-569, 2009
Increased attentional demands impair contralesional space awareness following stroke
M Bonato, K Priftis, R Marenzi, C Umiltà, M Zorzi
Neuropsychologia 48 (13), 3934-3940, 2010
Processing of peripersonal and extrapersonal space using tools: Evidence from visual line bisection in real and virtual environments
L Gamberini, B Seraglia, K Priftis
Neuropsychologia 46 (5), 1298-1304, 2008
Computer‐based attention‐demanding testing unveils severe neglect in apparently intact patients
M Bonato, K Priftis, C Umiltà, M Zorzi
Behavioural Neurology 26 (3), 179-181, 2013
P300-based brain-computer interface communication: evaluation and follow-up in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
S Silvoni, C Volpato, M Cavinato, M Marchetti, K Priftis, A Merico, P Tonin, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 3, 553, 2009
Deficits of contralesional awareness: a case study on what paper-and-pencil tests neglect.
M Bonato, K Priftis, R Marenzi, C Umilta, M Zorzi
Neuropsychology 26 (1), 20, 2012
Brain–computer interfaces in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A metanalysis
M Marchetti, K Priftis
Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (6), 1255-1263, 2015
Neglect impairs explicit processing of the mental number line
M Zorzi, M Bonato, B Treccani, G Scalambrin, R Marenzi, K Priftis
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 125, 2012
Normal and impaired reflexive orienting of attention after central nonpredictive cues
M Bonato, K Priftis, R Marenzi, M Zorzi
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (4), 745-759, 2009
Pure agnosia for mirror stimuli after right inferior parietal lesion
K Priftis, E Rusconi, C Umiltà, M Zorzi
Brain 126 (4), 908-919, 2003
An exploratory fNIRS study with immersive virtual reality: a new method for technical implementation
B Seraglia, L Gamberini, K Priftis, P Scatturin, M Martinelli, S Cutini
Frontiers in human neuroscience 5, 176, 2011
Modulation of hemispatial neglect by directional and numerical cues in the line bisection task
M Bonato, K Priftis, R Marenzi, M Zorzi
Neuropsychologia 46 (2), 426-433, 2008
Visual scanning training, limb activation treatment, and prism adaptation for rehabilitating left neglect: who is the winner?
K Priftis, L Passarini, C Pilosio, F Meneghello, M Pitteri
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7, 360, 2013
Priming the mental time line.
MG Di Bono, M Casarotti, K Priftis, L Gava, C Umilta, M Zorzi
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38 (4), 838, 2012
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Articles 1–20