Peter-Paul de Wolf
Peter-Paul de Wolf
Methodologist, Statistics Netherlands
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Statistical disclosure control
A Hundepool, J Domingo-Ferrer, L Franconi, S Giessing, ES Nordholt, ...
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Post randomisation for statistical disclosure control: Theory and implementation
JM Gouweleeuw, P Kooiman, PP De Wolf
Journal of official Statistics 14 (4), 463, 1998
Handbook on statistical disclosure control
A Hundepool, J Domingo-Ferrer, L Franconi, S Giessing, R Lenz, ...
ESSnet on Statistical Disclosure Control, 2010
Perpetual Inventory Method: service lives, discard patterns and depreciation methods
G Meinen, P Verbiest, PP De Wolf
Statistics Netherlands, Department of National Accounts, 1-55, 1998
Kernel-type estimators for the extreme value index
P Groeneboom, HP Lopuhaä, PP De Wolf
The Annals of Statistics 31 (6), 1956-1995, 2003
Reflections on PRAM
PP de Wolf, JM Gouweleeuw, P Kooiman, L Willenborg
Statistical data protection, 337-349, 1998
HiTaS: A heuristic approach to cell suppression in hierarchical tables
PP de Wolf
Inference control in statistical databases: from theory to practice, 74-82, 2002
Onsite@ home: Remote access at statistics netherlands
A Hundepool, PP de Wolf
Monographs of official statistics 47, 2005
Perpetual inventory method
G Meinen, P Verbiest, PP Wolf
Service lives, Discard patterns and depreciation methods. CBS Statistics …, 1998
An empirical evaluation of PRAM
PP de Wolf, I van Gelder
CBS, Statistics Netherlands, 2004
τ-argus user’s manual, version 3.3
A Hundepool, A van de Wetering, R Ramaswamy, PP de Wolf, S Giessing, ...
Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg, The Netherlands, 2005
Handbook on Statistical Disclosure Control (v. 1.2), Network of Excellence in the European Statistical System in the field of Statistical Disclosure Control (2010)
A Hundepool, J Domingo-Ferrer, L Franconi, S Giessing, R Lenz, J Naylor, ...
Available on-line at http://neon. vb. cbs. nl/casc/SDC_Handbook. pdf, 0
Risk, utility and PRAM
PP de Wolf
Privacy in Statistical Databases: CENEX-SDC Project International Conference …, 2006
Public use files of EU-SILC and EU-LFS data
PP de Wolf
Joint UNECE/Eurostat Work Session on Statistical Data Confidentiality …, 2015
Tau-ARGUS Users Manual
A Hundepool, A van de Wetering, R Ramaswamy, P Wolf, S Giessing, ...
CENEX-project. BPA, 2004
Connecting correction methods for linkage error in capture-recapture
PP de Wolf, J van der Laan, D Zult
Journal of Official Statistics 35 (3), 577-597, 2019
Under coverage of the population register in the Netherlands, 2010.
SC Gerritse, BFM Bakker, PP de Wolf, PGM van der Heijden
CBS Discussion paper 2016, 2016
Cell suppression in a special class of linked tables
PP De Wolf
Joint ECE/Eurostat Worksession on Statistical Confidentiality in Manchester, 2007
A production system for quarterly turnover levels and growth rates based on VAT data
A van Delden, PP de Wolf
Paper presented at the NTTS Conference 5, 7, 2013
A general framework for multiple-recapture estimation that incorporates linkage error correction
D Zult, PP de Wolf, BFM Bakker, P Van Der Heijden
Journal of Official Statistics 37 (3), 699-718, 2021
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