Federico Dominguez
Cited by
Cited by
SoundCompass: A Distributed MEMS Microphone Array-Based Sensor for Sound Source Localization
J Tiete, F Dominguez, B da Silva, L Segers, K Steenhaut, A Touhafi
Sensors 14 (2), 1918-1949, 2014
The RAP system: Automatic feedback of oral presentation skills using multimodal analysis and low-cost sensors
X Ochoa, F Domínguez, B Guamán, R Maya, G Falcones, J Castells
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and …, 2018
On the ability of consumer electronics microphones for environmental noise monitoring
T Van Renterghem, P Thomas, F Dominguez, S Dauwe, A Touhafi, ...
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13 (3), 544-552, 2011
Wireless sensor networks for environmental research: A survey on limitations and challenges
A De la Piedra, F Benitez, F Dominguez, A Touhafi
IEEE EUROCON 2013, 267 - 274, 2013
Controlled evaluation of a multimodal system to improve oral presentation skills in a real learning setting
X Ochoa, F Dominguez
British Journal of Educational Technology 51 (5), 1615-1630, 2020
Evaluating apache openwhisk-faas
S Quevedo, F Merchán, R Rivadeneira, FX Dominguez
2019 IEEE fourth ecuador technical chapters meeting (ETCM), 1-5, 2019
The smart doorbell: A proof-of-concept implementation of a bluetooth mesh network
C Martínez, L Eras, F Domínguez
2018 IEEE third Ecuador technical chapters meeting (ETCM), 1-5, 2018
Virtual circuits: An augmented reality circuit simulator for engineering students
P Lucas, D Vaca, F Dominguez, X Ochoa
2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2018
Smart Objects in Education: An Early Survey to Assess Opportunities and Challenges
F Domínguez, X Ochoa
4th International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG), 216-220, 2017
Coexistence with WiFi for a home automation ZigBee product
F Domínguez, A Touhafi, J Tiete, K Steenhaut
2012 19th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the …, 2012
Multimodal Selfies: Designing a Multimodal Recording Device for Students in Traditional Classrooms
F Domínguez, V Echeverría, K Chiluiza, X Ochoa
ICMI '15 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 567-574, 2015
Towards an indoor navigation system using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons
F Campaña, A Pinargote, F Domínguez, E Peláez
2017 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM), 2017
Towards an Environmental Measurement Cloud: Delivering Pollution Awareness to the Public
F Domínguez, S Dauwe, TC Nguyen, D Cariolaro, A Touhafi, B Dhoedt, ...
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2014, 2014
Scaling and Adopting a Multimodal Learning Analytics Application in an Institution-Wide Setting
F Dominguez, X Ochoa, D Zambrano, K Camacho, J Castells
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 14 (3), 400-414, 2021
MEMS microphones for wireless applications
J Tiete, F Domínguez, B Da Silva, A Touhafi, K Steenhaut
Wireless MEMS Networks and Applications, 177-195, 2016
Viability characterization of a proof-of-concept Bluetooth mesh smart building application
L Eras, F Domínguez, C Martínez
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 18 (5), 2022
Towards a distributed framework to analyze multimodal data
V Echeverría, F Domínguez, K Chiluiza
CrossLAK 2016 1601, 52-57, 2016
Smart objects for engineering labs: Boosting exploratory learning in higher education
H Ullón, D Zambrano, F Domínguez
2017 Twelfth Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO), 2017
Active Self-Testing Noise Measurement Sensors for Large-Scale Environmental Sensor Networks
F Dominguez, TC Nguyen, F Reinoso, A Touhafi, K Steenhaut
Sensors 13 (12), 17241-17264, 2013
Migration from a legacy wireless technology to ZigBee for a Home Automation market ready system
F Domínguez, A Touhafi, J Tiete, M Güler, K Steenhaut
2012 Ninth International Conference on Networked Sensing (INSS), 1-4, 2012
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Articles 1–20