Tomislav Plavsic
Tomislav Plavsic
Croatian Transmission System Operator
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Cited by
Role of energy storage in ensuring transmission system adequacy and security
Z Luburić, H Pandžić, T Plavšić, L Teklić, V Valentić
Energy 156, 229-239, 2018
Benefits of short-term photovoltaic power production forecasting to the power system
A Jakoplić, D Franković, V Kirinčić, T Plavšić
Optimization and engineering 22, 9-27, 2021
Two-stage optimization algorithm for short-term reactive power planning based on zonal approach
T Plavsic, I Kuzle
Electric power systems research 81 (4), 949-957, 2011
Zonal reactive power market model based n optimal voltage scheduling
T Plavsic, I Kuzle
AFRICON 2007, 1-7, 2007
The contribution of failure analyses to transmission network maintenance preferentials
M Mesić, T Plavšić
Engineering Failure Analysis 35, 262-271, 2013
Provision of virtual inertia support using battery energy storage system
M Alandžak, T Plavšić, D Franković
Journal of Energy: Energija 70 (4), 13-19, 2021
Assessment of energy storage operation in vertically integrated utility and electricity market
Z Luburić, H Pandžić, T Plavšić
Energies 10 (5), 683, 2017
Regulacija napona i jalove snage kao pomoćna usluga sustava
T Plavšić, I Kuzle
Journal of Energy: Energija 54 (5.), 385-396, 2005
Experience of integrating wind energy in the power system in Adriatic wind conditions
A Horvat, T Plavsic, I Kuzle
IET Digital Library, 2011
Transmission grid connection of energy storage facilities-overview and challenges
Z Ofak, A Župan, T Plavšić
Tehnički vjesnik 26 (3), 862-871, 2019
New approach for stochastic modelling of microgrid containing CHP
M Perić, T Plavšić, I Kuzle
Tehnički vjesnik 25 (Supplement 2), 354-365, 2018
Finite-Impulse-Response Modeling of Voltage Instrument Transformers Applicable for Fast Front Transients Simulations
T Plavšić
Journal of Energy: Energija 67 (1), 0-0, 2018
Assessment of N-1 criteria using energy storage
Z Luburić, H Pandžić, T Plavšić, L Teklić, V Valentić
2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2017
Uloga spremnika energije u elektroenergetskom sustavu
Z Luburić, H Bašić, H Pandžić, T Plavšić
12. simpozij o sustavu vođenja EES-a, CIGRE, 1-10, 2016
Special protection scheme for operation of central zagreb transmission system
T Plavšić, S Skok, I Ivanković
Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih …, 2011
Reactive power market model based on the division of the electric power system into voltage zones and on the two level optimizazion algorithm
T Plavšić, I Kuzle
Journal of Energy-Energija 57 (5), 484-521, 2008
Artificial Neural Networks Applications in Power Systems
T Plavšić, I Kuzle
ELMAR-40th International Symposium, 217-220, 1998
Hydro Pumped Storage Power Plants perspectives in SEERC Region
T Plavšić, V Valentić, D Franković
Journal of Energy: Energija 67 (2), 0-0, 2018
Application of extreme value theory for measuring risk of safe operation of power system in Adriatic wind conditions
A Horvat, T Plavšić, I Kuzle
Eurocon 2013, 874-881, 2013
Optimal voltage scheduling procedure for Croatian power system
T Plavšić, R Matica, N Švarc
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 479-483, 2011
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Articles 1–20