Peter S. Hofman
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of socially responsible human resource management on employees' organizational citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of organizational identification
A Newman, Q Miao, PS Hofman, CJ Zhu
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 27 (4), 440-455, 2016
The impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment and the moderating role of collectivism and masculinity: evidence from China
PS Hofman, A Newman
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25 (5), 631-652, 2014
Partnerships: a path to sustainability
CL Hartman, PS Hofman, ER Stafford
Business Strategy and the Environment 8 (5), 255-266, 1999
Corporate Social Responsibility Under Authoritarian Capitalism: Dynamics and Prospects of State-Led and Society-Driven CSR
PS Hofman, J Moon, B Wu
Business & Society 56 (5), 651-671, 2017
Socio-Technical Scenarios as a Tool for Transition Policy
B Elzen, F Geels, PS Hofman, K Green
System Innovation and the Transition to Sustainability: Theory, Evidence and …, 2004
Ownership concentration and product innovation in Chinese private SMEs
Z Deng, PS Hofman, A Newman
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 30 (3), 717-734, 2013
Sociotechnical scenarios as a new policy tool to explore system innovations: co-evolution of technology and society in the Netherlands electricity domain
PS Hofman, B Elzen, FW Geels
Innovation: management, policy & practice 6 (2), 344-360, 2004
Supply chain collaboration and eco-innovations: an institutional perspective from China
PS Hofman, C Blome, MC Schleper, N Subramanian
Business Strategy and the Environment 29 (6), 2734-2754, 2020
Exploring system innovation in the electricity system through sociotechnical scenarios
PS Hofman, B Elzen
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 22 (6), 653-670, 2010
Environmental Collaboration
CL Hartman, PS Hofman, ER Stafford
Partnership and Leadership, 21-40, 2002
Pollution prevention and industrial transformation evoking structural changes within companies
TJNM de Bruijn, PS Hofman
Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (3), 215-223, 2000
Pollution prevention in small and medium-sized enterprises: evoking structural changes through partnerships
T De Bruijn, PS Hofman
Greener Management International, 71-82, 2000
Sociotechnical Scenarios (STSc): Development and evaluation of a new methodology to explore transitions towards a sustainable energy supply
B Elzen, FW Geels, PS Hofman
University of Twente, 2002
The Shaping of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility
M Tan-Mullins, PS Hofman
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs-China aktuell 43 (4), 3-18, 2014
Innovation and institutional change: the transition to a sustainable electricity system
PS Hofman
CSTM, 2005
Multi-stakeholder partnerships for transfer of environmentally soundtechnologies
K Morsink, PS Hofman, JC Lovett
Energy Policy 39 (1), 1-5, 2011
Sociotechnical Scenarios–A new methodology to explore technological transitions
B Elzen, P Hofman, F Geels
Enschede: University of Twente, 2002
The emergence of sustainable innovations: Key factors and regional support structures
PS Hofman, T Bruijn
Facilitating sustainable innovation through collaboration, 115-133, 2010
Embedding “Radical” Innovations in Society
PS Hofman
Background Report to the CondEcol Project based on Experience from the …, 2003
Becoming a first mover in green electricity supply
PS Hofman
Greener management international 2002 (39), 99-108, 2002
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Articles 1–20