Evelien Heyselaar
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Cited by
Large-scale replication study reveals a limit on probabilistic prediction in language comprehension
MS Nieuwland, S Politzer-Ahles, E Heyselaar, K Segaert, E Darley, ...
ELife 7, e33468, 2018
Dissociable effects of prediction and integration during language comprehension: Evidence from a large-scale study using brain potentials
MS Nieuwland, DJ Barr, F Bartolozzi, S Busch-Moreno, E Darley, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1791), 20180522, 2020
In dialogue with an avatar, language behavior is identical to dialogue with a human partner
E Heyselaar, P Hagoort, K Segaert
Behavior research methods 49, 46-60, 2017
A change detection approach to study visual working memory of the macaque monkey
E Heyselaar, K Johnston, M Pare
Journal of Vision 11 (3), 11-11, 2011
The role of nondeclarative memory in the skill for language: Evidence from syntactic priming in patients with amnesia
E Heyselaar, K Segaert, SJW Walvoort, RPC Kessels, P Hagoort
Neuropsychologia 101, 97-105, 2017
Limits on prediction in language comprehension: A multi-lab failure to replicate evidence for probabilistic pre-activation of phonology
MS Nieuwland, S Politzer-Ahles, E Heyselaar, K Segaert, E Darley, ...
BioRxiv, 111807, 2017
Does syntactic alignment effectively influence how speakers are perceived by their conversation partner?
L Schoot, E Heyselaar, P Hagoort, K Segaert
PloS one 11 (4), e0153521, 2016
Do we predict upcoming speech content in naturalistic environments?
E Heyselaar, D Peeters, P Hagoort
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 36 (4), 440-461, 2021
Structural priming is supported by different components of nondeclarative memory: Evidence from priming across the lifespan.
E Heyselaar, L Wheeldon, K Segaert
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 47 (5), 820, 2021
The CASA theory no longer applies to desktop computers
E Heyselaar
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 19693, 2023
How social opinion influences syntactic processing—An investigation using virtual reality
E Heyselaar, P Hagoort, K Segaert
PLoS One 12 (4), e0174405, 2017
Do we take a robot's needs into account? The effect of humanization on prosocial considerations toward other human beings and robots
SRR Nijssen, E Heyselaar, BCN Müller, T Bosse
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 24 (5), 332-336, 2021
Using theory of mind to assess users’ sense of agency in social chatbots
E Heyselaar, T Bosse
International workshop on chatbot research and design, 158-169, 2019
Changes in alpha activity reveal that social opinion modulates attention allocation during face processing
E Heyselaar, A Mazaheri, P Hagoort, K Segaert
Neuroimage 174, 432-440, 2018
Structural priming persists for (at least) one month in young adults, but not in healthy older adults.
E Heyselaar, K Segaert
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (8), 1219, 2022
Limits on prediction in language comprehension: A multi-lab failure to replicate evidence for probabilistic pre-activation of phonology. bioRxiv, 111807
M Nieuwland, S Politzer-Ahles, E Heyselaar, K Segaert, E Darley, ...
Memory encoding of syntactic information involves domain-general attentional resources: Evidence from dual-task studies
E Heyselaar, K Segaert
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (6), 1285-1296, 2019
& Huettig, F.(2018). Large-scale replication study reveals a limit on probabilistic prediction in language comprehension
MS Nieuwland, S Politzer-Ahles, E Heyselaar, K Segaert, E Darley, ...
ELife 7, e33468, 0
Do we really interact with artificial agents as if they are human?
E Heyselaar, N Caruana, M Shin, L Schilbach, ES Cross
Frontiers in Virtual Reality 4, 1201385, 2023
In dialogue with an avatar, syntax production is identical compared to dialogue with a human partner
E Heyselaar, P Hagoort, K Segaert
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 36 (36), 2014
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Articles 1–20