nicky van foreest
nicky van foreest
associate professor, University of Groningen
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Distributed MPC applied to a network of households with micro-CHP and heat storage
GKH Larsen, ND Van Foreest, JMA Scherpen
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (4), 2106-2114, 2014
Distributed control of the power supply-demand balance
GKH Larsen, ND van Foreest, JMA Scherpen
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (2), 828-836, 2013
Condition-based production planning: Adjusting production rates to balance output and failure risk
MAJ uit het Broek, RH Teunter, B de Jonge, J Veldman, ND Van Foreest
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22 (4), 792-811, 2020
Continuous feedback fluid queues
W Scheinhardt, N Van Foreest, M Mandjes
Operations Research Letters 33 (6), 551-559, 2005
Analysis of a feedback fluid model for heterogeneous TCP sources
N Foreest, M Mandjes, W Scheinhardt
Taylor & Francis Group 19 (3), 299-324, 2003
Power supply–demand balance in a Smart Grid: An information sharing model for a market mechanism
GKH Larsen, ND Van Foreest, JMA Scherpen
Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (13), 3350-3360, 2014
Analysis of finite-buffer state-dependent bulk queues
R Germs, N van Foreest
OR Spectrum 35 (3), 563-583, 2013
Scheduling and order acceptance for the customised stochastic lot scheduling problem
ND van Foreest, J Wijngaard, T van Der Vaart
International Journal of Production Research 48 (12), 3561-3578, 2010
A tandem queue with server slow-down and blocking
ND van Foreest, JCW van Ommeren, MRH Mandjes, WRW Scheinhardt
Stochastic Models 21 (2-3), 695-724, 2005
Modeling active queue management algorithms using stochastic Petri nets
S Dijkstra, B Haverkort, P De Boer, N Van Foreest
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, 79, 2004
Order acceptance and scheduling policies for a make-to-order environment with family-dependent lead and batch setup times
R Germs, ND Van Foreest
International Journal of Production Research 51 (3), 940-951, 2013
Admission policies for the customized stochastic lot scheduling problem with strict due-dates
R Germs, ND Van Foreest
European journal of operational research 213 (2), 375-383, 2011
Seasonal hydrogen storage decisions under constrained electricity distribution capacity
JE Fokkema, MAJ uit het Broek, AH Schrotenboer, MJ Land, ...
Renewable Energy 195, 76-91, 2022
Optimizing stock levels for rental systems with a support warehouse and partial backordering
G Van der Heide, ND Van Foreest, KJ Roodbergen
European Journal of Operational Research 265 (1), 107-118, 2018
On optimal policies for production-inventory systems with compound Poisson demand and setup costs
ND Van Foreest, J Wijngaard
Mathematics of Operations Research 39 (2), 517-532, 2014
Loss probabilities for the MX/GY/1/K+ B bulk queue
R Germs, N Van Foreest
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 24 (4), 457-471, 2010
Representations for the extreme zeros of orthogonal polynomials
EA van Doorn, ND van Foreest, AI Zeifman
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 233 (3), 847-851, 2009
Base-stock policies with reservations
ND Van Foreest, RH Teunter, AA Syntetos
Omega 81, 48-56, 2018
Distributed MPC for controlling μ-CHPs in a network
G Larsen, S Trip, N Van Foreest, J Scherpen
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 3089-3094, 2012
A versatile model for asymmetric TCP sources
N van Foreest, M Mandjes, W Scheinhardt
Teletraffic Science and Engineering 5, 631-640, 2003
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