Neil Hester
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Cited by
The moral psychology of raceless, genderless strangers
N Hester, K Gray
Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2020
On the relationship between positive and negative affect: Their correlation and their co-occurrence.
JT Larsen, H Hershfield, BJ Stastny, N Hester
Emotion 17 (2), 323, 2017
For Black men, being tall increases threat stereotyping and police stops
N Hester, K Gray
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018
The faces of God in America: Revealing religious diversity across people and politics
JC Jackson, N Hester, K Gray
PloS one 13 (6), e0198745, 2018
Dress is a fundamental component of person perception
N Hester, E Hehman
Personality and Social Psychology Review 27 (4), 414-433, 2023
On Intersectionality: How Complex Patterns of Discrimination Can Emerge from Simple Stereotypes
N Hester, K Payne, J Brown-Iannuzzi, K Gray
Psychological Science, 2020
Perceived negative emotion in neutral faces: Gender-dependent effects on attractiveness and threat.
N Hester
Emotion 19 (8), 1490, 2019
Perceived femininity and masculinity contribute independently to facial impressions.
N Hester, BC Jones, E Hehman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (6), 1147, 2021
Racial biases in officers’ decisions to frisk are amplified for Black people stopped among groups leading to similar biases in searches, arrests, and use of force
E Cooley, N Hester, W Cipolli, LI Rivera, K Abrams, J Pagan, ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science 11 (6), 761-769, 2020
People see political opponents as more stupid than evil
R Hartman, N Hester, K Gray
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49 (7), 1014-1027, 2023
The bias toward intentionality in schizophrenia: Automaticity, context, and relationships to symptoms and functioning.
B Buck, N Hester, A Pinkham, HD Philip, JL Fredrik, DL Penn
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 127 (5), 503-512, 2018
Little between-region and between-country variance when people form impressions of others
N Hester, SY Xie, E Hehman
Psychological Science 32 (12), 1907-1917, 2021
The visual guide to morality: Vision as an integrative analogy for moral experience, variability and mechanism
C Schein, N Hester, K Gray
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10 (4), 231-251, 2016
Evaluating validity properties of 25 race-related scales
N Hester, JR Axt, N Siemers, E Hehman
Behavior Research Methods 55 (4), 1758-1777, 2023
To be immortal, do good or evil
K Gray, S Anderson, CM Doyle, N Hester, P Schmitt, A Vonasch, S Allison, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2018
Promiscuous condemnation: People assume ambiguous actions are immoral
N Hester, BK Payne, K Gray
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 86, 103910, 2020
Differential patterns in mind perception in subclinical paranoia: relationships to self-reported empathy
B Buck, N Hester, DL Penn, K Gray
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 22 (2), 137-144, 2017
Stereotypes shape response competition when forming impressions
N Hester, SY Xie, JA Bertin, E Hehman
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 26 (8), 1706-1725, 2023
'Just like someone without mental illness, only more so’: Normalizing beliefs and their buffering effects
B Buck, N Hester
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2018
A contest study to reduce attractiveness-based discrimination in social judgment.
E Roy, B Jaeger, AM Evans, KM Turetsky, BA O'Shea, MB Petersen, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2024
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