noriko kando
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Cited by
Overview of multilingual opinion analysis task at NTCIR-7.
Y Seki, DK Evans, LW Ku, Le Sun 0001, HH Chen, N Kando
NTCIR, 185-203, 2008
Classification of research papers using citation links and citation types: Towards automatic review article generation.
H Nanba, N Kando, M Okumura
Advances in Classification Research Online, 117-134, 2000
Certainty identification in texts: Categorization model and manual tagging results
VL Rubin, ED Liddy, N Kando
Computing attitude and affect in text: Theory and applications, 61-76, 2006
On information retrieval metrics designed for evaluation with incomplete relevance assessments
T Sakai, N Kando
Information Retrieval 11, 447-470, 2008
Overview of Opinion Analysis Pilot Task at NTCIR-6.
Y Seki, DK Evans, LW Ku, HH Chen, N Kando, CY Lin
NTCIR, 2007
Overview of CLIR task at the fifth NTCIR workshop
K Kishida, KH Chen, S Lee, K Kuriyama, N Kando, HH Chen, SH Myaeng
Proceedings of the fifth NTCIR workshop meeting, 1-38, 2005
Overview of IR tasks at the first NTCIR workshop
N Kando, K Kuriyama, T Nozue, K Eguchi, H Kato, S Hidaka
Proceedings of the first NTCIR workshop on research in Japanese text …, 1999
Current challenges in patent information retrieval
M Lupu, K Mayer, N Kando, AJ Trippe
Springer, 2017
Overview of patent retrieval task at NTCIR-3
M Iwayama, A Fujii, N Kando, A Takano
Proceedings of the ACL-2003 workshop on Patent corpus processing, 24-32, 2003
Overview of the IWSLT evaluation campaign
Y Akiba, M Federico, N Kando, H Nakaiwa, M Paul, J Tsujii
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Spoken Language …, 2004
Overview of the Patent Retrieval Task at the NTCIR-6 Workshop.
A Fujii, M Iwayama, N Kando
NTCIR, 2007
Cross-language information retrieval: the way ahead
FC Gey, N Kando, C Peters
Information processing & management 41 (3), 415-431, 2005
Overview of Patent Retrieval Task at NTCIR-4.
A Fujii, M Iwayama, N Kando
NTCIR, 2004
Introduction to the special issue on patent processing
A Fujii, M Iwayama, N Kando
Information Processing & Management 43 (5), 1149-1153, 2007
A method of rating the credibility of news documents on the web
R Nagura, Y Seki, N Kando, M Aono
Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2006
Overview of the NTCIR-7 ACLIA Tasks: Advanced Cross-Lingual Information Access.
T Mitamura, E Nyberg, H Shima, T Kato, T Mori, CY Lin, R Song, CJ Lin, ...
NTCIR, 2008
Text structure analysis as a tool to make retrieved documents usable
N Kando
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with …, 1999
Overview of the Web Retrieval Task at the Third NTCIR Workshop.
K Eguchi, K Oyama, E Ishida, N Kando, K Kuriyama
NTCIR, 2002
Increasing Reproducibility in IR: Findings from the Dagstuhl Seminar on" Reproducibility of Data-Oriented Experiments in e-Science"
N Ferro, N Fuhr, K Järvelin, N Kando, M Lippold, J Zobel
ACM SIGIR Forum 50 (1), 68-82, 2016
Overview of the Recognizing Inference in Text (RITE-2) at NTCIR-10.
Y Watanabe, Y Miyao, J Mizuno, T Shibata, H Kanayama, CW Lee, CJ Lin, ...
Ntcir, 2013
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Articles 1–20