Yongqiang Li
Cited by
Cited by
Simultaneous Facial Feature Tracking and Facial Expression Recognition
QJ Yongqiang Li, Jixu Chen, Yongping Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (7), 2559-2573, 2013
Unsupervised domain adaptation techniques based on auto-encoder for non-stationary EEG-based emotion recognition
X Chai, Q Wang, Y Zhao, X Liu, O Bai, Y Li
Computers in biology and medicine 79, 205-214, 2016
Capturing Global Semantic Relationships for FacialAction Unit Recognition
QJ Zhiheng Wang, Yongqiang Li, Shangfei Wang
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2013
W2f: A weakly-supervised to fully-supervised framework for object detection
Y Zhang, Y Bai, M Ding, Y Li, B Ghanem
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
A fast, efficient domain adaptation technique for cross-domain electroencephalography (EEG)-based emotion recognition
X Chai, Q Wang, Y Zhao, Y Li, D Liu, X Liu, O Bai
Sensors 17 (5), 1014, 2017
Data-free Prior Model for Facial Action Unit Recognition
QJ Yongqiang Li, Jixu Chen, Yongping Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2013
Measuring the Intensity of Spontaneous Facial Action Units with Dynamic Bayesian Network
QJ Yongqiang Li,Mavadati, S. Mohammad, Mahoor, Mohammad H., Yongping Zhao
Pattern Recognition, 2015
A Unified Probabilistic Framework For Measuring The Intensity of Spontaneous Facial Action Units
MHQJ Yongqiang Li, Mavadati, S. Mohammad,Mahoor
IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture …, 2013
Weakly-supervised object detection via mining pseudo ground truth bounding-boxes
Y Zhang, Y Bai, M Ding, Y Li, B Ghanem
Pattern Recognition 84, 68-81, 2018
Facial action unit recognition under incomplete data based on multi-label learning with missing labels
Y Li, B Wu, B Ghanem, Y Zhao, H Yao, Q Ji
Pattern Recognition 60, 890-900, 2016
Exploiting multi-expression dependences for implicit multi-emotion video tagging
et al. Shangfei Wang, Zhilei Liu, Jun Wang, Zhaoyu Wang, Yongqiang Li
Image and Vision Computing 32 (10), 682-691, 2014
Simultaneous Facial Activity Tracking and Recognition
QJ Yongqiang Li, Yongping Zhao
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2012
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Articles 1–12