Lorena Montoya
Cited by
Cited by
Priming and warnings are not effective to prevent social engineering attacks
M Junger, L Montoya, FJ Overink
Computers in Human Behavior 66, 75-87, 2017
Geo-data acquisition through mobile GIS and digital video: an urban disaster management perspective
L Montoya
Environmental Modelling & Software 18 (10), 869-876, 2003
The persuasion and security awareness experiment: reducing the success of social engineering attacks
JWH Bullée, L Montoya, W Pieters, M Junger, PH Hartel
Journal of experimental criminology 11 (1), 97-115, 2015
Multi-hazard risk assessment using GIS in urban areas: a case study for the city of Turrialba, Costa Rica
CJ Van Westen, L Montoya, L Boerboom, E Badilla Coto
Proc. Regional workshop on Best Practise in Disaster Mitigation, Bali, 120-136, 2002
Elements at risk
N Kingma, MK McCall, L Montoya
Multi-hazard risk assessment, 401-443, 2011
Spear phishing in organisations explained
JW Bullee, L Montoya, M Junger, P Hartel
Information & Computer Security 25 (5), 593-613, 2017
The relation between residential property and its surroundings and day-and night-time residential burglary
L Montoya, M Junger, Y Ongena
Environment and behavior 48 (4), 515-549, 2016
On the anatomy of social engineering attacks—A literature‐based dissection of successful attacks
JWH Bullée, L Montoya, W Pieters, M Junger, P Hartel
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 15 (1), 20-45, 2018
Urban disaster management: A case study of earthquake risk assessment in Cartago, Costa Rica
AL Montoya
Management of natural hazard risk in Cartago, Costa Rica
L Montoya, I Masser
Habitat International 29 (3), 493-509, 2005
Telephone-based social engineering attacks: An experiment testing the success and time decay of an intervention
JW Bullee, L Montoya, M Junger, P Hartel
IOS Press 1, 1-6, 2016
Community-based flood risk assessment using GIS for the town of San Sebastian, Guatemala
G Peters-Guarin, CJ van Westen, L Montoya
Journal of Human Security and Development 1 (1), 29-49, 2005
Towards the normalization of cybercrime victimization: A routine activities analysis of cybercrime in europe
M Junger, L Montoya, P Hartel, M Heydari
2017 International Conference On Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics …, 2017
How" Digital" is Traditional Crime?
L Montoya, M Junger, P Hartel
2013 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, 31-37, 2013
GIS and remote sensing in urban disaster management
L Montoya
5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Palma (Balearic …, 2002
Towards a collaborative framework to improve urban grid resilience
O Jung, S Besser, A Ceccarelli, T Zoppi, A Vasenev, L Montoya, T Clarke, ...
IEEE, 2016
Threat analysis in systems-of-systems: an emergence-oriented approach
A Ceccarelli, T Zoppi, A Vasenev, M Mori, D Ionita, L Montoya, ...
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 3 (2), 1-24, 2018
Assessing loss event frequencies of smart grid cyber threats: Encoding flexibility into FAIR using Bayesian network approach
A Le, Y Chen, KK Chai, A Vasenev, L Montoya
Springer Verlag, 2016
Incorporating FAIR into bayesian network for numerical assessment of loss event frequencies of smart grid cyber threats
A Le, Y Chen, KK Chai, A Vasenev, L Montoya
Mobile Networks and Applications 24, 1713-1721, 2019
Offenders in a digitized society
J Jansen, M Junger, L Montoya, P Hartel, WP Stol, J Jansen
Cybercrime and the police, 45-59, 2013
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Articles 1–20