Rebecca Chiyoko Itow
Cited by
Cited by
Collaborative design as a form of professional development
J Voogt, T Laferriere, A Breuleux, RC Itow, DT Hickey, S McKenney
Instructional science 43, 259-282, 2015
Fostering valuable learning experiences by transforming current teaching practices: practical pedagogical approaches from online practitioners
RC Itow
Information and Learning Sciences 121 (5/6), 443-452, 2020
Badges design principles documentation project: Interim report January 2014 update
DT Hickey, N Otto, R Itow, K Schenke, C Tran, C Chow
Center for Research on Learning and Technology Indiana University, 2014
When digital badges work: It’s not about the badges, It’s about learning ecosystems
RC Itow, DT Hickey
Foundation of digital badges and micro-credentials: Demonstrating and …, 2016
Badges design principles documentation project
DT Hickey, N Otto, R Itow, K Schenke, C Tran, C Chow
January Interim Report: Retrieved from Indiana University, the Badges Design …, 2014
Speaking Personally—With Erin Knight
DT Hickey, RC Itow, A Rehak, K Schenke, C Tran
American Journal of Distance Education 27 (2), 134-138, 2013
gPortfolios: a pragmatic approach to online asynchronous assignments
D Hickey, J Duncan, C Gaylord, C Hitchcock, RC Itow, SE Stephens
Information and Learning Sciences 121 (5/6), 273-283, 2020
Badges design principles documentation (DPD). Interim project report. Retrieved from Indiana University
DT Hickey, N Otto, R Itow, K Schenke, C Tran, C Chow
Center for Research on learning and technology website http://iudpd. indiana …, 2014
Badges design principles documentation project. January interim report
DT Hickey, R Itow, K Schenke, C Tran, N Otto, C Chow
Retrieved from Indiana University, the Badges Design Principles …, 2014
Participatory assessment for participatory teaching & learning in school contexts
DT Hickey, RC Itow
Designing with teachers: Participatory approaches to professional …, 2012
Professional development is not a summer job: Designing for teacher learning that is valuable and valued
RC Itow
Indiana University, 2018
Professional development in a culture of participatory learning
I Literat, RC Itow, S Morrisseau, S Kirn, I Morales, A Garcia, V Vartabedian, ...
Designing with teachers: Participatory approaches to professional …, 2012
Nate Otto, Rebecca Itow, Katerina Schenke, and Cathy Tran 2014 Badges Design Principles Documentation Project Interm Report
DT Hickey
Theorizing and Measuring Collective Productive Disciplinary Engagement
B Cheng, M Gresalfi, A Bell, CI Damsa, P Tuire, R Toni, HS Cindy
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL), 2019
Re-mediating assessment
DT Hickey, RC Itow
Design-Based Implementation of Spreadable Educational Practices within the Participatory Learning and Assessment Network (PLAnet)
RC Itow, DT Hickey
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences …, 2012
Design-based implementation research of spreadable educational practices within the Participatory Learning and Assessment Network (PLAnet)
R Itow, D Hickey
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2012
Collaborative design as a form of professional development: in the context of curriculum reform
J Voogt, T Laferrière, A Breuleux, R Itow, D Hickey, S McKenney
2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Toward …, 2015
Design Principles for Assessing Learning in Learning Ecosystems: Fostering Productive Interactions around Digital Badges
RC Itow, DT Hickey
Situating Learning Analytics for Course Design in Online Secondary Contexts
J Quick, RC Itow
Learning Analytics in Open and Distributed Learning: Potential and …, 2022
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Articles 1–20