Novia Arinda Pradisty
Novia Arinda Pradisty
Research Center for Oceanography, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN Indonesia)
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Plant species- and stage-specific differences in microbial decay of mangrove leaf litter: the older the better?
NA Pradisty, AA Amir, M Zimmer
Oecologia, 2021
Ocean carbon from space: Current status and priorities for the next decade
RJW Brewin, S Sathyendranath, G Kulk, MH Rio, JA Concha, TG Bell, ...
Earth-Science Reviews, 104386, 2023
The impact of COVID-19 on Indonesian fisheries conditions: opinion of current status and recommendations
PA Wiradana, IG Widhiantara, NA Pradisty, AT Mukti
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 718 (1), 012020, 2021
Fe (III) oxide-modified Indonesian bentonite for catalytic photodegradation of phenol in water
NA Pradisty, R Sihombing, RF Howe, YK Krisnandi
Makara Journal of Science, 25-33, 2017
Determination of lead and cadmium in edible wedge Clam (Donax faba) collected from North and South Coasts of Sumenep, East Java, Indonesia
QA Wasilah, RE Mawli, MD Sani, A Soegianto, PA Wiradana, NA Pradisty
Poll. Res 40 (2), 593-597, 2021
Sistem karbon laut di perairan Laut Maluku dan Laut Sulawesi
I Triyulianti, A Yunanto, NA Pradisty, F Islamy, MR Putri
2018, 2016
Water Quality Assessment in The Occurrence of Acanthaster spp. (Crown-of-Thorns Starfish, CoTS) on Coral Reefs in Menjangan Island, Bali, Indonesia
NA Pradisty, EE Ampou, R Hanintyo
Makara Journal of Science 24 (3), 194−204, 2020
Litterfall and Associated Macrozoobenthic of Restored Mangrove Forests in Abandoned Aquaculture Ponds
NA Pradisty, F Sidik, Y Bimantara, IE Susetya, M Basyuni
Sustainability 14 (3), 8082, 2022
Monitoring mangrove untuk estimasi potensi karbon biru di Dumai, Riau
N Widagti, F Sidik, NA Pradisty
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research 5 (2), 459-470, 2021
Relationship of water quality with phytoplankton abundance in Kenjeran coastal waters, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
QA Wasilah, RE Mawli, MD Sani, A Soegianto, PA Wiradana, NA Pradisty
Pollution Research 40 (2), 515-521, 2021
Profil Vertikal Kandungan Oksigen Terlarut dan Fluoresen in vivo Sebagai Indikator Keberlangsungan Kehidupan di Perairan Laut Maluku dan Laut Sulawesi
I Triyulianti, I Hermawan, A Yunanto, NA Pradisty, AC Raymonza, F Islamy, ...
Jurnal Kelautan Nasional 12 (2), 59-71, 2017
Chlorophyll-a and total suspended matter retrieval and comparison of C2RCC neural network algorithms on Landsat 8 data over Wangi-Wangi Island, Indonesia
R Hanintyo, E Susilo, NA Pradisty, IN Surana
Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021 12082, 150-158, 2021
Restored mangrove forests in Perancak Estuary, Bali: 17 years of mangrove restoration in abandoned aquaculture ponds
F Sidik, NA Pradisty, N Widagti
Variabilitas parameter lingkungan (suhu, nutrien, klorofil-a, TSS) di perairan Teluk Tolo, Sulawesi Tengah saat musim timur
NA Pradisty, M Mardatilah, WER Siwi, IN Surana
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan UNDIP, 2017
Mangrove plants using deoxyribonucleic acid barcodes for enhancing biodiversity and conservation
M Basyuni, R Syahbana, AB Rangkuti, NA Pradisty, A Susilowati, ...
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 10 (3), 1391-1410, 2024
Exploitation status and spawning potential ratio of banana prawn (Penaeus merguiensis) after trawling ban in Kaimana, West Papua
ARP Pane, NA Pradisty, H Widiyastuti, M Fauzi, S Mardlijah, R Hanintyo, ...
Regional Studies in Marine Science, 102884, 2023
Identifikasi karakteristik ekosistem mangrove untuk pengembangan ekowisata pesisir di Desa Sumberkima, Bali
NA Pradisty, R Hanintyo, F Sidik
Synthesis and Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Activity of Gallic Acid Derivatives with Chiral Center
A Arsianti, C Aoki-Utsubo, F Fadilah, A Bahtiar, D Ramadhan, ...
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 10 (7), 164 - 167, 2017
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