Suzanne Janssen
Suzanne Janssen
Assistant Professor of Communication Science, University of Twente
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Informal mentoring at work: A review and suggestions for future research
S Janssen, M Van Vuuren, MDT De Jong
International journal of management reviews 18 (4), 498-517, 2016
Motives to mentor: Self-focused, protégé-focused, relationship-focused, organization-focused, and unfocused motives
S Janssen, M van Vuuren, MDT de Jong
Journal of Vocational Behavior 85 (3), 266-275, 2014
Sensemaking in supervisor-doctoral student relationships: revealing schemas on the fulfillment of basic psychological needs
S Janssen, M van Vuuren, MDT de Jong
Studies in Higher Education 46 (12), 2738-2750, 2021
Identifying support functions in developmental relationships: A self-determination perspective
S Janssen, M van Vuuren, MDT de Jong
Journal of vocational behavior 82 (1), 20-29, 2013
Coworkers’ perspectives on mentoring relationships
S Janssen, J Tahitu, M van Vuuren, MDT de Jong
Group & organization management 43 (2), 245-272, 2018
Balancing uniqueness and similarity: A content analysis of textual characteristics in Dutch corporate stories
S Janssen, CKA Van Dalfsen, JJ Van Hoof, M Van Vuuren
Public Relations Review 38 (1), 32-39, 2012
A self-determination theory perspective on mentoring relationships at work
S Janssen
The Game of balancing leadership behaviors: a qualitative study to disclose how leaders tailor leadership styles to be effective leaders in different kinds of situations
IAS Rikkink
University of Twente, 2014
A Psychological Need-Fulfillment Perspective for Designing Social Robots that Support Well-Being
S Janssen, BR Schadenberg
International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-22, 2024
A robot as your colleague?
M de Graaf, S Janssen
Tijdschrift voor human factors 44 (3), 12-15, 2019
Bij-en omscholing en automatisering in Nederland: Kansen en beperkingen
G Jansen, S Janssen, A Kuhn-Nelen, M Levels, L Voermans
University of Twente, 2021
The role of developmental networks in career starters' meaning of work
S Janssen, M Alberts, M van Vuuren
64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, ICA …, 2014
Great expectations: The role of mentoring schemas in protégés' and mentors' sensemaking of formal mentorships
S Janssen, M Mensink, HA van Vuuren
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2013, 2013
Challenges of understanding, measuring, and supporting the dynamics of production workers’ learning-on-the-go in the Smart Industry sector
M Endedijk, A Bouwens, MAMG Hoogeboom, S Janssen, J Koen, ...
EARLI SIG14 Conference 2024, 2024
Individuals' intentions to prepare for automation: The wording effects of the severity and time horizon of technological developments in question introductions
G Jansen, S Janssen
Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 14: Results from methodological …, 2022
A robot as your colleague? What it takes to integrate a robot into the workplace.
M de Graaf, S Janssen
Tijdschrift voor Human Factors 44 (3), 2019
CSR communication in the business-to-business context: an exploratory study
S Janssen, JF Gosselt, B Bemelman
66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, ICA …, 2016
Supporting employees’ sustainable labour participation through mentoring relationships: Insights from self-determination theory
S Janssen, HA van Vuuren, MDT de Jong
17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, EAWOP 2015 …, 2015
Informele mentoring relaties op de werkvloer: Percepties en ervaringen van buitenstaanders
S Janssen, J Tahitu, HA van Vuuren
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2015: The interdisciplinary turn in …, 2015
Mentor motives: insights from self-determination theory and relational mentoring
S Janssen, HA van Vuuren, MDT de Jong
7th European Conference on Positive Psychology 2014, 2014
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Articles 1–20