Tim van Meurs
Cited by
Cited by
An incongruous intervention: Exploring the role of anti‐institutionalism in less‐educated individual’s limited uptake of nutrition information
T van Meurs, J Oude Groeniger, W de Koster, J van der Waal
Sociology of Health & Illness 44 (2), 432-450, 2022
Why are anti‐smoking health‐information interventions less effective among low‐socioeconomic status groups? A systematic scoping review
T van Meurs, FR Çoban, W de Koster, J van Der Waal, J Oude Groeniger
Drug and Alcohol Review 41 (5), 1195-1205, 2022
Suggested explanations for the (in) effectiveness of nutrition information interventions among adults with a low socioeconomic status: a scoping review
T van Meurs, JO Groeniger, W de Koster, J van der Waal
Journal of Nutritional Science 11, e50, 2022
Advancing stratification research by measuring non-declarative cultural capital: a national population-based study combining IAT and survey data
J van der Waal, W de Koster, T van Meurs, K Noordzij, JO Groeniger, ...
American Sociological Review 89 (4), 735-760, 2024
No Appetite for Meddling: The role of anti-institutionalism in educational differences in the receptivity to nutrition interventions
T van Meurs
Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2023
Receptive to an authoritative voice? Experimental evidence on how patronizing language and stressing institutional sources affect public receptivity to nutrition information
T van Meurs, JO Groeniger, W de Koster, J van der Waal
SSM-Population Health 20, 101295, 2022
Sugar tax and product reformulation proposals reduce the perceived legitimacy of health-promotion institutions: a randomized population-based survey experiment
T van Meurs, W de Koster, J van der Waal, J Oude Groeniger
European Journal of Public Health 34 (3), 454-459, 2024
Immigrantenperceptie van de Europese meerderheid na de Vluchtelingencrisis: Een multilevelanalyse van ronde 7 en 8 van de European Social Survey
LM Kraus, T van Meurs
Samenhang in Europa: eenheid in verscheidenheid: Proceedings zesde …, 2019
Book Review: Break Beats in the Bronx: Rediscovering Hip-Hop’s Early Years
T van Meurs
Cultural Sociology 12 (4), 566-567, 2018
Book Review: Reel Inequality: Hollywood Actors and Racism
T van Meurs
Cultural Sociology 12 (3), 426-427, 2018
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Articles 1–10