Sara Jahfari
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Cited by
A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task
F Verbruggen, AR Aron, GP Band, C Beste, PG Bissett, AT Brockett, ...
elife 8, e46323, 2019
Effective connectivity reveals important roles for both the hyperdirect (fronto-subthalamic) and the indirect (fronto-striatal-pallidal) fronto-basal ganglia pathways during …
S Jahfari, L Waldorp, WPM van den Wildenberg, HS Scholte, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (18), 6891-6899, 2011
Function and structure of the right inferior frontal cortex predict individual differences in response inhibition: a model-based approach
BU Forstmann, S Jahfari, HS Scholte, U Wolfensteller, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (39), 9790-9796, 2008
Responding with restraint: what are the neurocognitive mechanisms?
S Jahfari, CM Stinear, M Claffey, F Verbruggen, AR Aron
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (7), 1479-1492, 2010
Cortico-subthalamic white matter tract strength predicts interindividual efficacy in stopping a motor response
BU Forstmann, MC Keuken, S Jahfari, PL Bazin, J Neumann, A Schäfer, ...
Neuroimage 60 (1), 370-375, 2012
How preparation changes the need for top–down control of the basal ganglia when inhibiting premature actions
S Jahfari, F Verbruggen, MJ Frank, LJ Waldorp, L Colzato, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (32), 10870-10878, 2012
Individual differences in heart rate variability predict the degree of slowing during response inhibition and initiation in the presence of emotional stimuli
AM Krypotos, S Jahfari, VA van Ast, M Kindt, BU Forstmann
Frontiers in psychology 2, 278, 2011
How pupil responses track value-based decision-making during and after reinforcement learning
JC Van Slooten, S Jahfari, T Knapen, J Theeuwes
PLoS computational biology 14 (11), e1006632, 2018
Dopaminergic medication reduces striatal sensitivity to negative outcomes in Parkinson’s disease
B McCoy, S Jahfari, G Engels, T Knapen, J Theeuwes
Brain 142 (11), 3605-3620, 2019
Sensitivity to value-driven attention is predicted by how we learn from value
S Jahfari, J Theeuwes
Psychonomic bulletin & review 24 (2), 408-415, 2017
Cross-task contributions of fronto-basal ganglia circuitry in response inhibition and conflict-induced slowing
S Jahfari, KR Ridderinkhof, AGE Collins, T Knapen, L Waldorp, MJ Frank
Cerebral Cortex 29 (5), 1969-1983, 2019
Spontaneous eye blink rate predicts individual differences in exploration and exploitation during reinforcement learning
JC Van Slooten, S Jahfari, J Theeuwes
Scientific reports 9 (1), 17436, 2019
Visual information shapes the dynamics of corticobasal ganglia pathways during response selection and inhibition
S Jahfari, L Waldorp, KR Ridderinkhof, HS Scholte
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 27 (7), 1344-1359, 2015
Spatial Frequency Information Modulates Response Inhibition and Decision-Making Processes
S Jahfari, KR Ridderinkhof, HS Scholte
PLOS ONE 8 (10), e76467, 2013
Scene complexity modulates degree of feedback activity during object recognition in natural scenes
IIA Groen, S Jahfari, N Seijdel, S Ghebreab, V Lamme, HS Scholte
Plos computational biology 14 (12), e1006690, 2018
Making large-scale networks from fMRI data
VD Schmittmann, S Jahfari, D Borsboom, AO Savi, LJ Waldorp
PloS one 10 (9), e0129074, 2015
Individual differences in eye blink rate predict both transient and tonic pupil responses during reversal learning
JC Van Slooten, S Jahfari, T Knapen, J Theeuwes
PloS one 12 (9), e0185665, 2017
A focused information criterion for graphical models in fMRI connectivity with high-dimensional data
E Pircalabelu, G Claeskens, S Jahfari, LJ Waldorp
van den, & Ridderinkhof, KR (2008). Function and Structure of the Right Inferior Frontal Cortex Predict Individual Differences in Response Inhibition: A Model-Based Approach
BU Forstmann, S Jahfari, HS Scholte, U Wolfensteller, WPM Wildenberg
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (39), 9790-9796, 0
Low-level image statistics in natural scenes influence perceptual decision-making
N Seijdel, S Jahfari, IIA Groen, HS Scholte
Scientific reports 10 (1), 10573, 2020
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Articles 1–20