Lidia Katia C. Manzo
Lidia Katia C. Manzo
EU Marie Sklodowska Curie Research Fellow
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Mothers, childcare duties, and remote working under COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: Cultivating communities of care
LKC Manzo, A Minello
Dialogues in Human Geography 10 (2), 120-123, 2020
The pandemic and the academic mothers: Present hardships and future perspectives
A Minello, S Martucci, LKC Manzo
European societies 23 (sup1), S82-S94, 2021
Supported home ownership and adult independence in Milan: The gilded cage of family housing gifts and transfers
LKC Manzo, O Druta, R Ronald
Sociology 53 (3), 519-537, 2019
On People In Changing Neighborhoods. Gentrification and Social Mix: Boundaries and Resistance. A comparative ethnography of two historic neighborhoods in Milan (Italy) and …
LKC Manzo
Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, 2012
Emergent Spaces, Contemporary Urban Conflicts: Experiences of Social Mix in Changing Neighborhoods–The Case Study of Milan's Chinatown
LKC Manzo
Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research, Policy and Praxis 8 …, 2012
MI GENERATION Il Piano di Governance delle Politiche Giovanili della Città di Milano (2013-2014) [The Governance Programme for Youth Policies of the City of Milan (2013-2014)]
LKCE Manzo
Milano: Comune di Milano, 2015
Desire for diversity and difference in Gentrified Brooklyn: dialogue between a planner and a sociologist
S Annunziata, LKC Manzo
Cambio: rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali: 6, 2, 2013, 71-88, 2013
Un quartiere storico in fuga dal presente
R Monteleone, LKC Manzo
Downtown Milano. Azione pubblica e luoghi dell’abitare, Milano: Et Al. Edizioni, 2010
Il Quartiere: il nostro campo di gioco”
LKC Manzo
Verso una sociologia ‘spazialista. I Libri di Emil, Bologna, 2013
Paesaggi ibridi della (nella) città diffusa. Via (da) Paolo Sarpi. Una ricerca etnografica nella Chinatown di Milano [Hybrid landscapes of the diffused city. An ethnographic …
LKC Manzo
Urban Hybridization, 2012
«Via via, vieni via di qui!» il processo di gentrificazione di via Paolo Sarpi, la Chinatown di Milano (1980-2015)
LKC Manzo
Archivio di studi urbani e regionali, 2016
Naked elites: unveiling embodied markers of superiority through co-performance ethnography in gentrified Brooklyn’s Park Slope
LKC Manzo
Disclosing Elite Ecologies, 55-74, 2021
"And their struggle becomes visible." For a radical revaluation of Foucault’s conception of resistance to power
LKC Manzo
Culture and Visual Forms of Power. Experiencing Contemporary Spaces of …, 2015
Visual Approaches to Urban Ethnography
LKC Manzo
Discussions and Comments 94, 99, 2013
Love in the time of COVID-19: How couples stayed ‘at home’during the first lockdown in Italy
LKC Manzo
Social & Cultural Geography 24 (3-4), 428-446, 2023
A personal network approach to ethnography. Theoretical implications and methodological challenges
LKC Manzo
Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa 14 (2), 171-182, 2021
Gentrificación de sensibilidades. Política y estética en un barrio en transformación de la Ciudad de Nueva York
L Manzo
Quid 16. Revista del área de estudios urbanos, 67-103, 2013
The ‘Asian Betweeners’. Cultural Identities and the new communication technologies
LKC Manzo
Migration, Technology & Transculturation: A Global Perspective, 2011
The unequal ivory tower: the effects of COVID-19 on academic mothers
S Martucci, A Minello, LKC Manzo
Gender Equality in the Mirror, 159-177, 2022
Supporting Women in Geography (SWIG) Ireland: Confronting the role of gender and asserting the importance of the female voice
J Ahern, R McArdle
Irish Geography 52 (1), 101-104, 2019
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