René Bekkers
René Bekkers
Professor and Director, Center for Philanthropic Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Cited by
A literature review of empirical studies of philanthropy: Eight mechanisms that drive charitable giving
R Bekkers, P Wiepking
Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 40 (5), 924-973, 2011
Participation in voluntary associations: Relations with resources, personality, and political values
R Bekkers
Political psychology 26 (3), 439-454, 2005
Who gives? A literature review of predictors of charitable giving part one: Religion, education, age and socialisation
R Bekkers, P Wiepking
Voluntary Sector Review 2 (3), 337-365, 2011
Trust, accreditation, and philanthropy in the Netherlands
R Bekkers
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 32 (4), 596-615, 2003
Philanthropy: A Literature Review
R Bekkers, P Wiepking
Who gives? A literature review of predictors of charitable giving. Part Two: Gender, family composition and income
P Wiepking, R Bekkers
Voluntary Sector Review 3 (2), 217-245, 2012
And who is your neighbor? Explaining denominational differences in charitable giving and volunteering in the Netherlands
R Bekkers, T Schuyt
Review of religious research, 74-96, 2008
Traditional and health-related philanthropy: The role of resources and personality
R Bekkers
Social psychology quarterly 69 (4), 349-366, 2006
Helping behavior, dispositional empathic concern, and the principle of care
MO Wilhelm, R Bekkers
Social psychology quarterly 73 (1), 11-32, 2010
From games to giving: Social value orientation predicts donations to noble causes
PAM Van Lange, R Bekkers, TNM Schuyt, MV Vugt
Basic and applied social psychology 29 (4), 375-384, 2007
Giving and volunteering in the Netherlands: Sociological and psychological perspectives
RHFP Bekkers
Who gives what and when? A scenario study of intentions to give time and money
R Bekkers
Social Science Research 39 (3), 369-381, 2010
Measuring altruistic behavior in surveys: The all-or-nothing dictator game
RHFP Bekkers
Survey research methods 1 (3), 1-11, 2007
Buying time promotes happiness
AV Whillans, EW Dunn, P Smeets, R Bekkers, MI Norton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (32), 8523-8527, 2017
Intergenerational transmission of volunteering
R Bekkers
Acta Sociologica 50 (2), 99-114, 2007
Trust and volunteering: Selection or causation? Evidence from a 4 year panel study
R Bekkers
Political Behavior 34, 225-247, 2012
Generalized trust through civic engagement? Evidence from five national panel studies
E Van Ingen, R Bekkers
Political Psychology 36 (3), 277-294, 2015
Are conservatives less likely to be prosocial than liberals? From games to ideology, political preferences and votingg
PAM Van Lange, R Bekkers, A Chirumbolo, L Leone
European Journal of Personality 26 (5), 461-473, 2012
Government support and charitable donations: A meta-analysis of the crowding-out hypothesis
A De Wit, R Bekkers
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27 (2), 301-319, 2017
To give or not to give, that is the question: how methodology is destiny in dutch giving data
R Bekkers, P Wiepking
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 35 (3), 533-540, 2006
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Articles 1–20