Annemarie Nanne
Cited by
Cited by
The use of computer vision to analyze brand-related user generated image content
AJ Nanne, ML Antheunis, CG Van Der Lee, EO Postma, S Wubben, ...
Journal of Interactive Marketing 50 (1), 156-167, 2020
The role of facial expression and tie strength in sender presence effects on consumers’ brand responses towards visual brand-related user generated content
AJ Nanne, ML Antheunis, G van Noort
Computers in Human Behavior 117, 106628, 2021
Remember the motivationally-relevant appeals? The influence of social and sensory appeals on memory for pronutritional messages promoting healthy foods
L Samson, AJ Nanne, M Buijzen
International Journal of Advertising 40 (4), 582-601, 2021
Using a Photo-Elicitation Procedure to Examine Consumers’ Motivations to Post Visual Brand-Related User-Generated Content
AJ Nanne, ML Antheunis, G van Noort
Journal of Interactive Advertising 24 (1), 13-25, 2024
Controlling Social Media Data: a Case Study of the Effect of Social Presence on Consumers’ Engagement with Brand-generated Instagram Posts
A Corone, A Nanne, E van Miltenburg
Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication CMC and Social Media Corpora …, 2021
Social media influencers for health promotion
S Pabian, I Vanwesenbeeck, F Folkvord, A Schouten, G Ouvrein, ...
Health, Media, and Communication 15, 49, 2025
The Role of Subjective Norms of Parents, Friends and Social Media in Adolescents’ Sustainable Behavior: A Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective
AJ Nanne, J Sijtsema, C Moederscheim
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2024, 2024
Panel on Influencers and Misinformation
A Schouten, E Croes, I Vanwesenbeeck, L Janssen, N van der Waal, ...
European Communication Science Event, 2024
Unboxing-video's uitgepakt: Hoe video's gericht op kinderen en volwassenen op YouTube gebruikmaken van andere overtuigingsstrategieën
A Nanne, I Vanwesenbeeck
Tekst [blad], 2023
Influencing for the better: influencers als gezondheidsambassadeurs
A Schouten, F Folkvord, L Janssen, I Vanwesenbeeck, S Pabian, E Croes, ...
SWOCC, 2023
The Effect of Emotional and Informative Appeals in Mental Health Campaigns on Social Media on Adolescents’ Willingness to Seek Help
AJ Nanne, Y de Adelhart Toorop
25th Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2023, 2023
Social Drivers of Visual Brand-Related User Generated Content: Creation, Content, and Consequences
A Nanne
The use of computer vision to analyze visual brand-related User Generated Content: A comparison of YOLOV2
A Nanne, M Antheunis, C van der Lee, E Postma, S Wubben, G van Noort
Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2019
Do You Like This? The Presence of a Person as Engagement Predictor in Visual Brand-related UGC
A Nanne, M Antheunis, E Postma, S Wubben, G van Noort
Annual Conference of the International Communication Association 2019 …, 2019
The Use of Computer Vision to Analyze Visual Brand-related User Generated Content
A Nanne, M Antheunis, S Wubben, E Postma, G van Noort
Annual Conference of the International Communication Association 2019 …, 2019
A Multi-method Approach to Identify Engagement Predictors in Brand-related Instagram Pictures
A Nanne, M Antheunis, E Postma, S Wubben, G van Noort
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2019: Communication Science and …, 2019
The use of Computer Vision to Analyze Visual Brand-related User Generated Content: A Comparison of Clarifai, Google Vision and YOLO
A Nanne, M Antheunis, E Postma, S Wubben, G van Noort
17th International Conference on Research in Advertising, 2018
Examining Popularity Predictors in Visual Brand-related User Generated Content: A Machine Learning Approach
A Nanne, M Antheunis, S Wubben, E Postma, G van Noort
Interactive Marketing Research Conference, 2018
Using Computer Vision to Explore the Characteristics of Visual Brand-related User Generated Content
A Nanne, M Antheunis, S Wubben, E Postma, G van Noort
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap: Transcultural Exchanges …, 2018
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Articles 1–19