Douglas D. Heckathorn
Douglas D. Heckathorn
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Respondent-driven sampling: a new approach to the study of hidden populations
DD Heckathorn
Social problems 44 (2), 174-199, 1997
5. Sampling and estimation in hidden populations using respondent-driven sampling
MJ Salganik, DD Heckathorn
Sociological methodology 34 (1), 193-240, 2004
Respondent-driven sampling II: deriving valid population estimates from chain-referral samples of hidden populations
DD Heckathorn
Social problems 49 (1), 11-34, 2002
Comment: Snowball versus respondent-driven sampling
DD Heckathorn
Sociological methodology 41 (1), 355-366, 2011
Review of sampling hard-to-reach and hidden populations for HIV surveillance
R Magnani, K Sabin, T Saidel, D Heckathorn
Aids 19, S67-S72, 2005
Probability based estimation theory for respondent driven sampling
E Volz, DD Heckathorn
Journal of official statistics 24 (1), 79, 2008
The dynamics and dilemmas of collective action
DD Heckathorn
American sociological review, 250-277, 1996
Extensions of respondent‐driven sampling: analyzing continuous variables and controlling for differential recruitment
DD Heckathorn
Sociological methodology 37 (1), 151-207, 2007
Extensions of respondent-driven sampling: a new approach to the study of injection drug users aged 18–25
DD Heckathorn, S Semaan, RS Broadhead, JJ Hughes
AIDS and Behavior 6, 55-67, 2002
Collective action and the second-order free-rider problem
DD Heckathorn
Rationality and society 1 (1), 78-100, 1989
Harnessing peer networks as an instrument for AIDS prevention: results from a peer-driven intervention.
RS Broadhead, DD Heckathorn, DL Weakliem, DL Anthony, H Madray, ...
Public health reports 113 (Suppl 1), 42, 1998
Broken laws, unprotected workers: Violations of employment and labor laws in America's cities
A Bernhardt, R Milkman, N Theodore, DD Heckathorn, M Auer, ...
Collective sanctions and compliance norms: A formal theory of group-mediated social control
DD Heckathorn
American Sociological Review, 366-384, 1990
Network sampling: From snowball and multiplicity to respondent-driven sampling
DD Heckathorn, CJ Cameron
Annual review of sociology 43 (1), 101-119, 2017
Collective action and group heterogeneity: voluntary provision versus selective incentives
DD Heckathorn
American Sociological Review, 329-350, 1993
Web-based network sampling: efficiency and efficacy of respondent-driven sampling for online research
C Wejnert, DD Heckathorn
Sociological Methods & Research 37 (1), 105-134, 2008
From networks to populations: the development and application of respondent-driven sampling among IDUs and Latino gay men
J Ramirez-Valles, DD Heckathorn, R Vázquez, RM Diaz, RT Campbell
AIDS and Behavior 9, 387-402, 2005
Collective sanctions and the creation of prisoner's dilemma norms
DD Heckathorn
American Journal of Sociology 94 (3), 535-562, 1988
Effectiveness of respondent-driven sampling for recruiting drug users in New York City: findings from a pilot study
AS Abdul‐Quader, DD Heckathorn, C McKnight, H Bramson, C Nemeth, ...
Journal of urban health 83, 459-476, 2006
Increasing drug users’ adherence to HIV treatment: results of a peer-driven intervention feasibility study
RS Broadhead, DD Heckathorn, FL Altice, Y Van Hulst, M Carbone, ...
Social Science & Medicine 55 (2), 235-246, 2002
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Articles 1–20