Mieke Brekelmans
Mieke Brekelmans
Professor of Education, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
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Two decades of research on teacher–student relationships in class
T Wubbels, M Brekelmans
International journal of educational research 43 (1-2), 6-24, 2005
Interpersonal teacher behaviour and student outcomes
P Den Brok, M Brekelmans, T Wubbels
School effectiveness and school improvement 15 (3-4), 407-442, 2004
An interpersonal perspective on classroom management in secondary classrooms in the Netherlands
T Wubbels, M Brekelmans, P den Brok, J van Tartwijk
Handbook of classroom management, 1171-1202, 2013
Quality requirements for teacher educators
B Koster, M Brekelmans, F Korthagen, T Wubbels
Teaching and Teacher Education 21 (2), 157-176, 2005
Auditing quality of research in social sciences
S Akkerman, W Admiraal, M Brekelmans, H Oost
Quality & quantity 42, 257-274, 2008
Job satisfaction and teacher–student relationships across the teaching career: Four case studies
I Veldman, J Van Tartwijk, M Brekelmans, T Wubbels
Teaching and Teacher Education 32, 55-65, 2013
Interpersonal teacher behavior in the classroom
T Wubbels
Educational environments: Evaluation, antecedents, and consequences/Pergamon, 1991
Experienced teachers' informal learning: Learning activities and changes in behavior and cognition
A Hoekstra, M Brekelmans, D Beijaard, F Korthagen
Teaching and teacher education 25 (5), 663-673, 2009
Teacher–student relationships and classroom management
T Wubbels, M Brekelmans, P Den Brok, L Wijsman, T Mainhard, ...
Handbook of classroom management, 363-386, 2014
Experienced Teachers' Informal Learning from Classroom Teaching
A Hoekstra, F Korthagen, M Brekelmans, D Beijaard, J Imants
Journal of Workplace Learning 21 (4), 23, 2009
The effect of teacher interpersonal behaviour on students' subject-specific motivation
P Den Brok, J Levy, M Brekelmans, T Wubbels
Journal of classroom Interaction 40 (2), 20-33, 2005
Students' perceptions of interpersonal aspects of the learning environment
J Levy, T Wubbels, P Den Brok, M Brekelmans
Learning Environments Research 6 (1), 5-36, 2003
Comparison of teachers' and students' perceptions of interpersonal teacher behavior
T Wubbels, M Brekelmans, H Hooymayers
Do you know what you look like?: interpersonal relationships in education, 64, 1993
Multilevel issues in research using students’ perceptions of learning environments: The case of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction
P den Brok, M Brekelmans, T Wubbels
Learning Environments Research 9 (3), 199-213, 2006
The teachers factor in the social climat of the classroom
T Wubbels, M Brekelmans
Paying Attention to Relationships.
T Wubbels
Educational leadership 54 (7), 82-86, 1997
Teacher experience and the teacher-student relationship in the classroom environment
M Brekelmans, T Wubbels, P den Brok
Studies in educational learning environments: An international perspective …, 2002
Social dynamics in the classroom: Teacher support and conflict and the peer ecology
MMHG Hendrickx, MT Mainhard, HJ Boor-Klip, AHM Cillessen, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 53, 30-40, 2016
Teaching for active learning
M Brekelmans, P Sleegers, B Fraser
New learning, 227-242, 2002
A study of student perceptions of physics teacher behavior
M Brekelmans, T Wubbels, H Créton
Journal of research in science teaching 27 (4), 335-350, 1990
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