Tsegaye Moreda
Tsegaye Moreda
International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Cited by
Listening to their silence? The political reaction of affected communities to large-scale land acquisitions: insights from Ethiopia
T Moreda
Global Land Grabbing and Political Reactions' from Below', 51-74, 2017
Large-scale land acquisitions, state authority and indigenous local communities: insights from Ethiopia
T Moreda
Third World Quarterly, 2016
Converging social justice issues and movements: implications for political actions and research
SM Borras Jr, T Moreda, A Alonso-Fradejas, ZW Brent
Converging Social Justice Issues and Movements, 1-20, 2020
Contesting conventional wisdom on the links between land tenure security and land degradation: Evidence from Ethiopia
T Moreda
Land use policy 77, 75-83, 2018
The value of so-called ‘failed’large-scale land acquisitions
SM Borras Jr, JC Franco, T Moreda, Y Xu, N Bruna, BA Demena
Land Use Policy 119, 106199, 2022
The politics of large-scale land acquisitions in Ethiopia: state and corporate elites and subaltern villagers
T Moreda, M Spoor
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du …, 2015
The right to food in the context of large-scale land investment in Ethiopia
T Moreda
Converging Social Justice Issues and Movements, 100-121, 2020
Vulnerability, land, livelihoods and migration nexus in rural Ethiopia: a case study in South Gondar Zone of Amhara Regional State
T Moreda
The Hague: International Institute of Social Studies.(PhD research design), 2012
Toolkit for participatory action research
R Hall, Z Brent, J Franco, M Isaacs, T Shegro
FIAN International, Heidelberg, 2017
Postponed local concerns? Implications of land acquisitions for indigenous local communities in Benishangul-Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia
T Moreda
The Land Deal Politics Initiative, 2013
Postponed local concerns
T Moreda
Implications of land acquisitions for indigenous local communities in …, 2013
The social dynamics of access to land, livelihoods and the rural youth in an era of rapid rural change: Evidence from Ethiopia
T Moreda
Land Use Policy 128, 106616, 2023
Beyond land rights registration: understanding the mundane elements of land conflict in Ethiopia
T Moreda
The Journal of Peasant Studies 50 (5), 1791-1819, 2023
Routledge handbook of global land and resource grabbing
A Neef, C Ngin, T Moreda, S Mollett
Taylor & Francis, 2023
The awkward struggle: A global overview of social conflicts against private debts
JF Gerber, T Moreda, C Sathyamala
Journal of rural studies 86, 651-662, 2021
Linking vulnerability, land and livelihoods: Literature review
T Moreda
Sample chapter. International Institute of Social Studies. The Hague, 2012
The political economy of the land-livelihoods nexus in an era of ecological change and the global land rush: access to land, land conflict and large-scale land acquisitions in …
T Moreda
The political economy of the land–livelihoods nexus in an era of ecological change and the global land rush: access to land, land conflict and large-scale land xxv …
M Tsegaye
Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2016
Household Livelihood Security: Resources, Vulnerability and Coping Strategies among Peasants in Tach Gayint Woreda, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
T Moreda
Addis Ababa University, 2008
Listening to their silence? The reaction of the Gumuz people against large-scale land acquisitions in Benishangul-Gumuz region, Ethiopia
T Moreda
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Articles 1–20