Aliya Sharipova
Aliya Sharipova
Postdoc, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS)
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Cited by
Synthesis of Fe/Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles by electrical explosion of the iron wire in an oxygen-containing atmosphere
AS Lozhkomoev, AV Pervikov, SO Kazantsev, AF Sharipova, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 23, 1-12, 2021
Mechanical, degradation and drug-release behavior of nano-grained Fe-Ag composites for biomedical applications
A Sharipova, SK Swain, I Gotman, D Starosvetsky, SG Psakhie, R Unger, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 86, 240-249, 2018
Fe–Cu nanocomposites by high pressure consolidation of powders prepared by electric explosion of wires
MI Lerner, SG Psakhie, AS Lozhkomoev, AF Sharipova, AV Pervikov, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 20 (8), 1701024, 2018
Biodegradable nanocomposite Fe–Ag load-bearing scaffolds for bone healing
A Sharipova, I Gotman, SG Psakhie, EY Gutmanas
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 98, 246-254, 2019
Solid-state dewetting of thin Au films on oxidized surface of biomedical TiAlV alloy
A Sharipova, L Klinger, A Bisht, BB Straumal, E Rabkin
Acta Materialia 231, 117919, 2022
High-strength bioresorbable Fe–Ag nanocomposite scaffolds: Processing and properties
A Sharipova, SG Psakhie, SK Swain, EY Gutmanas, I Gotman
AIP Conference Proceedings 1683 (1), 2015
Smart nanocomposites based on Fe–Ag and Fe–Cu nanopowders for biodegradable high-strength implants with slow drug release
AF Sharipova, SG Psakhie, I Gotman, EY Gutmanas
Physical Mesomechanics 23, 128-134, 2020
Dense drug-eluting biodegradable Fe-Ag nanocomposites
A Sharipova, RE Unger, A Sosnik, E Gutmanas
Materials & Design 204, 109660, 2021
Drug loaded biodegradable load-bearing nanocomposites for damaged bone repair
EY Gutmanas, I Gotman, A Sharipova, SG Psakhie, SK Swain, R Unger
AIP Conference Proceedings 1882 (1), 2017
Bioresorbable Ca-phosphate-polymer/metal and Fe-Ag nanocomposites for macro-porous scaffolds with tunable degradation and drug release
I Gotman, SK Swain, A Sharipova, EY Gutmanas
AIP Conference Proceedings 1783 (1), 2016
Preparation and properties of iron nanoparticle-based macroporous scaffolds for biodegradable implants
AS Lozhkomoev, AS Buyakov, SO Kazantsev, EI Senkina, MG Krinitcyn, ...
Materials 15 (14), 4900, 2022
The emergence of sequential buckling in reconfigurable hexagonal networks embedded into soft matrix
PI Galich, A Sharipova, S Slesarenko
Materials 14 (8), 2038, 2021
Cold Sintering of Ni–Ag Nanocomposite Particles Produced by Electric Explosion of Wires
AF Sharipova, OV Bakina, AS Lozhkomoev, EA Glazkova, AV Pervikov, ...
Inorganic Materials: Applied Research 10, 691-698, 2019
Synthesis of metal-metal oxide (Me-MenOm) nanocomposites by partial reduction and cold sintering
A Sharipova, V Slesarenko, E Gutmanas
Materials Letters 276, 128197, 2020
Cold Sintering of Fe–Ag and Fe–Cu Nanocomposites by Consolidation in the High-Pressure Gradient
AF Sharipova, SG Psakhye, I Gotman, MI Lerner, AS Lozhkomoev, ...
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals 60, 162-168, 2019
Умные нанокомпозиты на основе нанопорошков Fe–Ag и Fe–Cu для биодеградируемых имплантатов с повышенной прочностью и медленным высвобождением лекарственных препаратов
АФ Шарипова, СГ Псахье, И Готман, Г Элазар
Физическая мезомеханика 22 (1), 36-43, 2019
Solid-state dewetting of thin Au films for surface functionalization of biomedical implants
A Sharipova, I Zlotver, A Sosnik, E Rabkin
Materials 16 (24), 7524, 2023
Fabrication of strong bioresorbable composites from electroexplosive Fe-Fe3O4 nanoparticles by isostatic pressing followed by vacuum sintering
AS Lozhkomoev, SO Kazantsev, OV Bakina, AV Pervikov, AF Sharipova, ...
Heliyon 8 (9), 2022
Расчет зависимости звукокапиллярного эффекта от частоты ультразвука на основе критерия пороговой кавитации
НВ Михайлова, ИВ Смирнов, А Шарипова, В Слесаренко
Проблемы прочности и пластичности 82 (1), 64-74, 2020
A concept for functional bioceramics with embedded metallization using cold sintering
A Sharipova, A Böhme, M Fritsch, M Ahlhelm
Open Ceramics 21, 100716, 2025
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Articles 1–20