Julian Schaap
Julian Schaap
cultural sociologist
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The ‘lonely raver’: music livestreams during COVID-19 as a hotline to collective consciousness?
F Vandenberg, M Berghman, J Schaap
European societies 23 (sup1), S141-S152, 2021
Gender inequality in metal music production
P Berkers, J Schaap
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018
Grunting alone? Online gender inequality in extreme metal music
J Schaap, P Berkers
IASPM Journal 4 (1), 101-116, 2014
‘Gods in World of Warcraft exist’: Religious reflexivity and the quest for meaning in online computer games
J Schaap, S Aupers
New Media & Society 19 (11), 1744-1760, 2017
Just like Hendrix: Whiteness and the online critical and consumer reception of rock music in the United States, 2003–2013
J Schaap
Popular Communication 13 (4), 272-287, 2015
“Maybe it’s… skin colour?” How race-ethnicity and gender function in consumers’ formation of classification styles of cultural content
J Schaap, P Berkers
Consumption Markets & Culture 23 (6), 599-615, 2020
Qualitative in-depth interviews: Studying religious meaning-making in MMOs
S Aupers, J Schaap, L De Wildt
Methods for studying video games and religion, 153-167, 2017
Improving empirical scrutiny of the habitus: a plea for incorporating implicit association tests in sociological research
J Schaap, J van der Waal, W de Koster
Sociology 53 (5), 967-976, 2019
Putting the ‘studies’ back into metal music studies
H Savigny, J Schaap
Metal Music Studies 4 (3), 549-557, 2018
Beyond belief: Playing with pagan spirituality in World of Warcraft
S Aupers, J Schaap
Online-Heidelberg journal of religions on the internet 7, 190-206, 2015
“You’re Not Supposed to Be into Rock Music”: Authenticity Maneuvering in a White Configuration
J Schaap, P Berkers
Sociology of race and ethnicity 6 (3), 416-430, 2020
YouTube as a virtual springboard: Circumventing gender dynamics in offline and online metal music careers
P Berkers, J Schaap
Metal Music Studies 1 (3), 303-318, 2015
De terugkeer van Alledaags Racisme
J Schaap, P Essed
Sociologie 13 (1), 93-108, 2017
Black Rap, White Rock: Non‐Declarative Culture and the Racialization of Cultural Categories
J Schaap, J Van der Waal, W De Koster
Sociological Inquiry 92 (4), 1281-1305, 2022
Using word embedding models to capture changing media discourses: a study on the role of legitimacy, gender and genre in 24,000 music reviews, 1999–2021
S Daenekindt, J Schaap
Journal of Computational Social Science 5 (2), 1615-1636, 2022
Elvis Has Finally Left the Building?: Boundary work, whiteness and the reception of rock music in comparative perspective
J Schaap
Grunting alone? Online gender inequality in extreme metal music
P Berkers, J Schaap
IASPM Journal 4 (1), 101-116, 2014
Write, record, optimize? How musicians reflect on music optimization strategies in the creative production process
N Polak, J Schaap
New Media & Society, 14614448241243095, 2024
Gebonden aan witheid: witte identiteiten en de onbedoelde (re) productie van racisme
J Schaap
Sociologie 10 (1), 2014
De nieuwe Hendrix: Witheid als scheidslijn in de evaluatie van rockmuziek in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten
J Schaap, P Berkers
Sociologie 14 (2-3), 119-146, 2019
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