Gerard Rozing
Gerard Rozing
ROZING.COM Consulting
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Capillary electrochromatography—a high-efficiency micro-separation technique
MM Dittmann, GP Rozing
Journal of Chromatography A 744 (1-2), 63-74, 1996
Theory and practice of capillary electrochromatography
MM Dittmann, K Wienand, F Bek, GP Rozing
LC GC 13 (10), 0800-814, 1995
Recent applications in capillary electrochromatography
S Eeltink, GP Rozing, WT Kok
Electrophoresis 24 (22‐23), 3935-3961, 2003
Tailoring the morphology of methacrylate ester-based monoliths for optimum efficiency in liquid chromatography
S Eeltink, JM Herrero-Martinez, GP Rozing, PJ Schoenmakers, WT Kok
Analytical chemistry 77 (22), 7342-7347, 2005
Capillary electrochromatography: Investigation of the influence of mobile phase and stationary phase properties on electroosmotic velocity, retention, and selectivity
MM Dittmann, GP Rozing
Journal of Microcolumn Separations 9 (5), 399-408, 1997
Enantioseparations by electrochromatography with packed capillaries
C Wolf, PL Spence, WH Pirkle, EM Derrico, DM Cavender, GP Rozing
Journal of Chromatography A 782 (2), 175-179, 1997
Controlling the surface chemistry and chromatographic properties of methacrylate‐ester‐based monolithic capillary columns via photografting
S Eeltink, EF Hilder, L Geiser, F Svec, JMJ Frechet, GP Rozing, ...
Journal of separation science 30 (3), 407-413, 2007
Analysis of triglycerides by capillary electrochromatography
P Sandra, A Dermaux, V Ferraz, MM Dittmann, G Rozing
Journal of Microcolumn Separations 9 (5), 409-419, 1997
Separation of basic solutes by reversed-phase capillary electrochromatography
MM Dittmann, K Masuch, GP Rozing
Journal of Chromatography A 887 (1), 209-221, 2000
Recent applications of capillary electrochromatography
G Vanhoenacker, T Van den Bosch, G Rozing, P Sandra
Electrophoresis 22 (19), 4064-4103, 2001
Developments in interfacing designs for CE–MS: towards enabling tools for proteomics and metabolomics
PW Lindenburg, R Haselberg, G Rozing, R Ramautar
Chromatographia 78 (5-6), 367-377, 2015
Performance limits of monolithic and packed capillary columns in high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrochromatography
S Eeltink, G Desmet, G Vivó-Truyols, GP Rozing, PJ Schoenmakers, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1104 (1), 256-262, 2006
Influence of pressure and temperature on the physico-chemical properties of mobile phase mixtures commonly used in high-performance liquid chromatography
J Billen, K Broeckhoven, A Liekens, K Choikhet, G Rozing, G Desmet
Journal of Chromatography A 1210 (1), 30-44, 2008
Advances in capillary electrochromatography.
MM Dittmann, GP Rozing, G Ross, T Adam, KK Unger
Journal of capillary electrophoresis 4 (5), 201-212, 1997
Determination of band-spreading effects in high-performance liquid chromatographic instruments
KP Hupe, RJ Jonker, G Rozing
Journal of Chromatography A 285, 253-265, 1984
The selection of optimum conditions in HPLC I. The determination of external band spreading in LC instruments
HH Lauer, GP Rozing
Chromatographia 14 (11), 641-647, 1981
Column for capillary chromatographic separations
M Dittmann, G Rozing, HP Zimmermann
US Patent 5,908,552, 1999
Towards the column bed stabilization of columns in capillary electroendosmotic chromatography: Immobilization of microparticulate silica columns to a continuous bed
T Adam, KK Unger, MM Dittmann, GP Rozing
Journal of Chromatography A 887 (1), 327-337, 2000
Separation efficiency of particle-packed HPLC microchips
S Ehlert, K Kraiczek, JA Mora, M Dittmann, GP Rozing, U Tallarek
Analytical chemistry 80 (15), 5945-5950, 2008
Comparison of the efficiency of microparticulate and monolithic capillary columns
S Eeltink, W Decrop, GP Rozing, PJ Schoenmakers, WT Kok
Journal of separation science 27 (17‐18), 1431-1440, 2004
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Articles 1–20