Manolis Tsiknakis
Manolis Tsiknakis
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
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Cited by
Review on psychological stress detection using biosignals
G Giannakakis, D Grigoriadis, K Giannakaki, O Simantiraki, A Roniotis, ...
IEEE transactions on affective computing 13 (1), 440-460, 2019
Stress and anxiety detection using facial cues from videos
G Giannakakis, M Pediaditis, D Manousos, E Kazantzaki, F Chiarugi, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 31, 89-101, 2017
The mobiact dataset: Recognition of activities of daily living using smartphones
G Vavoulas, C Chatzaki, T Malliotakis, M Pediaditis, M Tsiknakis
International conference on information and communication technologies for …, 2016
Organizational factors affecting successful adoption of innovative eHealth services: A case study employing the FITT framework
M Tsiknakis, A Kouroubali
International journal of medical informatics 78 (1), 39-52, 2009
Automatic assessment of depression based on visual cues: A systematic review
A Pampouchidou, PG Simos, K Marias, F Meriaudeau, F Yang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 10 (4), 445-470, 2017
Review of eye tracking metrics involved in emotional and cognitive processes
V Skaramagkas, G Giannakakis, E Ktistakis, D Manousos, I Karatzanis, ...
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 16, 260-277, 2021
An open, component-based information infrastructure for integrated health information networks
M Tsiknakis, DG Katehakis, SC Orphanoudakis
International journal of medical informatics 68 (1-3), 3-26, 2002
The MobiFall dataset: An initial evaluation of fall detection algorithms using smartphones
G Vavoulas, M Pediaditis, EG Spanakis, M Tsiknakis
13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 1-4, 2013
Depression assessment by fusing high and low level features from audio, video, and text
A Pampouchidou, O Simantiraki, A Fazlollahi, M Pediaditis, D Manousos, ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Audio/Visual Emotion …, 2016
Human daily activity and fall recognition using a smartphone’s acceleration sensor
C Chatzaki, M Pediaditis, G Vavoulas, M Tsiknakis
Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health …, 2017
The mobifall dataset: Fall detection and classification with a smartphone
G Vavoulas, M Pediaditis, C Chatzaki, EG Spanakis, M Tsiknakis
Artificial intelligence: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications …, 2017
Wize Mirror-a smart, multisensory cardio-metabolic risk monitoring system
Y Andreu, F Chiarugi, S Colantonio, G Giannakakis, D Giorgi, ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 148, 3-22, 2016
Technology-based innovations to foster personalized healthy lifestyles and well-being: a targeted review
EG Spanakis, S Santana, M Tsiknakis, K Marias, V Sakkalis, A Teixeira, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 18 (6), e128, 2016
Detection of stress/anxiety state from EEG features during video watching
G Giannakakis, D Grigoriadis, M Tsiknakis
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
The ACGT Master Ontology and its applications–Towards an ontology-driven cancer research and management system
M Brochhausen, AD Spear, C Cocos, G Weiler, L Martín, A Anguita, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 44 (1), 8-25, 2011
Ontology-driven monitoring of patient’s vital signs enabling personalized medical detection and alert
A Hristoskova, V Sakkalis, G Zacharioudakis, M Tsiknakis, F De Turck
Sensors 14 (1), 1598-1628, 2014
FUTURE-AI: guiding principles and consensus recommendations for trustworthy artificial intelligence in medical imaging
K Lekadir, R Osuala, C Gallin, N Lazrak, K Kushibar, G Tsakou, S Aussó, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.09658, 2021
A stress recognition system using HRV parameters and machine learning techniques
G Giannakakis, K Marias, M Tsiknakis
2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent …, 2019
The smart-insole dataset: Gait analysis using wearable sensors with a focus on elderly and Parkinson’s patients
C Chatzaki, V Skaramagkas, N Tachos, G Christodoulakis, E Maniadi, ...
Sensors 21 (8), 2821, 2021
iManageCancer: Developing a platform for Empowering patients and strengthening self-management in cancer diseases
H Kondylakis, A Bucur, F Dong, C Renzi, A Manfrinati, N Graf, S Hoffman, ...
2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2017
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Articles 1–20