Dbpedia–a large-scale, multilingual knowledge base extracted from wikipedia J Lehmann, R Isele, M Jakob, A Jentzsch, D Kontokostas, PN Mendes, ... Semantic web 6 (2), 167-195, 2015 | 4301 | 2015 |
Linked open drug data for pharmaceutical research and development M Samwald, A Jentzsch, C Bouton, CS Kallesøe, E Willighagen, ... Journal of cheminformatics 3, 1-6, 2011 | 261 | 2011 |
The linking open data cloud diagram R Cyganiak http://richard. cyganiak. de/2007/10/lod/, 2011 | 218 | 2011 |
Efficient multidimensional blocking for link discovery without losing recall. R Isele, A Jentzsch, C Bizer WebDB, 1-6, 2011 | 150 | 2011 |
Silk Server-Adding missing Links while consuming Linked Data. R Isele, A Jentzsch, C Bizer COLD 665, 2010 | 132 | 2010 |
Scalable discovery of unique column combinations A Heise, JA Quiané-Ruiz, Z Abedjan, A Jentzsch, F Naumann Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (4), 301-312, 2013 | 128 | 2013 |
State of the LOD Cloud C Bizer, A Jentzsch, R Cyganiak Version 0.3 (September 2011) 1803, 1-9, 2011 | 120 | 2011 |
The Translational Medicine Ontology and Knowledge Base: driving personalized medicine by bridging the gap between bench and bedside JS Luciano, B Andersson, C Batchelor, O Bodenreider, T Clark, ... Journal of biomedical semantics 2, 1-21, 2011 | 117 | 2011 |
Linking open drug data. A Jentzsch, J Zhao, O Hassanzadeh, KH Cheung, M Samwald, ... I-SEMANTICS, 2009 | 92 | 2009 |
Profiling and mining RDF data with ProLOD++ Z Abedjan, T Grütze, A Jentzsch, F Naumann 2014 IEEE 30th International Conference on Data Engineering, 1198-1201, 2014 | 91 | 2014 |
Silk-generating rdf links while publishing or consuming linked data A Jentzsch, R Isele, C Bizer 9Th international semantic web conference (ISWC’10), 2010 | 85 | 2010 |
Linking open data cloud diagram 2017 A Abele, JP McCrae, P Buitelaar, A Jentzsch, R Cyganiak URL: http://lod-cloud. net (Accessed: 31.12. 2018). Insight-Centre, 2017 | 67 | 2017 |
Enabling tailored therapeutics with linked data A Jentzsch, O Hassanzadeh, C Bizer, B Andersson, S Stephens Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2009), 1-6, 2009 | 67 | 2009 |
The linked open data cloud JP McCrae, A Abele, P Buitelaar, R Cyganiak, A Jentzsch, ... Lod-cloud. net, 2019 | 66 | 2019 |
Applying an analytic method for matching approach selection M Mochol, A Jentzsch, J Euzenat Proc. 1st ISWC 2006 international workshop on ontology matching (OM), 37-48, 2006 | 55 | 2006 |
Linking open data cloud diagram 2014 M Schmachtenberg, C Bizer, A Jentzsch, R Cyganiak The Linking Open Data cloud diagram, 08-30, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
Linking open data cloud diagram A Abele, JP McCrae, P Buitelaar, A Jentzsch, R Cyganiak URL http://lod-cloud. net, 2017 | 46 | 2017 |
The linking open data cloud diagram, 2014 R Cyganiak, A Jentzsch URL: http://lod-cloud. net 7, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Towards a rule-based matcher selection M Mochol, A Jentzsch Knowledge Engineering: Practice and Patterns: 16th International Conference …, 2008 | 32 | 2008 |
State of the LOD Cloud A Jentzsch, R Cyganiak, C Bizer Public Web-page, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |