Alison Steven
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Cited by
Patient safety in nursing education: contexts, tensions and feeling safe to learn
A Steven, C Magnusson, P Smith, PH Pearson
Nurse education today 34 (2), 277-284, 2014
Action after adverse events in healthcare: an integrative literature review
M Liukka, A Steven, MF Vizcaya Moreno, AM Sara-Aho, J Khakurel, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (13), 4717, 2020
Mentoring for NHS doctors: perceived benefits across the personal–professional interface
A Steven, J Oxley, WG Fleming
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 101 (11), 552-557, 2008
Patient safety in healthcare preregistration educational curricula: multiple case study-based investigations of eight medicine, nursing, pharmacy and physiotherapy university …
K Cresswell, A Howe, A Steven, P Smith, D Ashcroft, K Fairhurst, ...
BMJ Quality & Safety 22 (10), 843-854, 2013
Learning about patient safety: organizational context and culture in the education of health care professionals
P Pearson, A Steven, A Howe, A Sheikh, D Ashcroft, P Smith
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 15 (1_suppl), 4-10, 2010
Using normalization process theory as a practical tool across the life course of a qualitative research project
RJ McNaughton, A Steven, J Shucksmith
Qualitative health research 30 (2), 217-227, 2020
The role of hidden curriculum in teaching pharmacy students about patient safety
F Bradley, A Steven, DM Ashcroft
American journal of pharmaceutical education 75 (7), 143, 2011
Using interactive workshops to prompt knowledge exchange: a realist evaluation of a knowledge to action initiative
RK Rushmer, DJ Hunter, A Steven
Public Health 128 (6), 552-560, 2014
Exploring the relationship between mentoring and doctors’ health and wellbeing: a narrative review
G Wilson, V Larkin, N Redfern, J Stewart, A Steven
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 110 (5), 188-197, 2017
Critical incident techniques and reflection in nursing and health professions education: Systematic narrative review
A Steven, G Wilson, H Turunen, MF Vizcaya-Moreno, M Azimirad, ...
Nurse educator 45 (6), E57-E61, 2020
Exploring conceptualizations of knowledge translation, transfer and exchange across public health in one UK region: a qualitative mapping study
S Visram, D Goodall, A Steven
Public health 128 (6), 497-503, 2014
Practice-based interprofessional education: looking into the black box
A Steven, C Dickinson, P Pearson
Journal of interprofessional care 21 (3), 251-264, 2007
Piloting interprofessional education: four English case studies
S Coster, L D'Avray, P Dawson, C Dickinson, E Gill, F Gordon, ...
Higher Education Academy, Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre, 2007
Named nursing: in whose best interest?
A Steven
Journal of Advanced Nursing 29 (2), 341-347, 1999
Implementation of a model for service delivery and organisation in mental healthcare: a qualitative exploration of service provider views
E Kaner, A Steven, P Cassidy, C Vardy
Health & Social Care in the Community 11 (6), 519-527, 2003
Shared learning from national to international contexts: a research and innovation collaboration to enhance education for patient safety
A Steven, S Tella, H Turunen, M Flores Vizcaya-Moreno, ...
Journal of Research in Nursing 24 (3-4), 149-164, 2019
The value of continuing professional development: a realistic evaluation of a multi-disciplinary workshop for health visitors dealing with children with complex needs
A Steven, V Larkin, J Stewart, B Bateman
Nurse Education Today 67, 56-63, 2018
Dignity and attitudes to aging: A cross-sectional study of older adults
H Kisvetrová, P Mandysová, J Tomanová, A Steven
Nursing ethics 29 (2), 413-424, 2022
Patient safety in health care professional educational curricula: examining the learning experience
P Pearson, A Steven, P Dawson
Patient Safety Education Study Group, 2009
End of life care: An educational pathway for community nurses
A Steven, G White, G Marples, J Atkinson
Primary Health Care 24 (1), 2014
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Articles 1–20