Specifying computer-supported collaboration scripts L Kobbe, A Weinberger, P Dillenbourg, A Harrer, R Hämäläinen, ... International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2, 211-224, 2007 | 611 | 2007 |
Preparing teacher-students for twenty-first-century learning practices (PREP 21): a framework for enhancing collaborative problem-solving and strategic learning skills P Häkkinen, S Järvelä, K Mäkitalo-Siegl, A Ahonen, P Näykki, T Valtonen Teachers and Teaching 23 (1), 25-41, 2017 | 583 | 2017 |
Web-based cases in teaching and learning–the quality of discussions and a stage of perspective taking in asynchronous communication S Järvelä, P Häkkinen Interactive learning environments 10 (1), 1-22, 2002 | 373 | 2002 |
E‐learning at work: theoretical underpinnings and pedagogical challenges P Tynjälä, P Häkkinen Journal of workplace learning 17 (5/6), 318-336, 2005 | 294 | 2005 |
Combining individual and group-level perspectives for studying collaborative knowledge construction in context M Arvaja, H Salovaara, P Häkkinen, S Järvelä Learning and Instruction 17 (4), 448-459, 2007 | 282 | 2007 |
Computational thinking in programming with Scratch in primary schools: A systematic review J Fagerlund, P Häkkinen, M Vesisenaho, J Viiri Computer Applications in Engineering Education 29 (1), 12-28, 2021 | 239 | 2021 |
Toiminnan tutkimuksen suuntaukset HLT Heikkinen, T Kontinen, P Häkkinen Toiminnasta tietoon: Toimintatutkimuksen menetelmät ja lähestymistavat, 39-76, 2006 | 238 | 2006 |
Teacher beliefs regarding learning, pedagogy, and the use of technology in higher education P Jääskelä, P Häkkinen, H Rasku-Puttonen Journal of Research on Technology in Education 49 (3-4), 198-211, 2017 | 213 | 2017 |
Conceptualizing the awareness of collaboration: A qualitative study of a global virtual team P Leinonen, S Järvelä, P Häkkinen Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 14, 301-322, 2005 | 202 | 2005 |
How pre-service teachers perceive their 21st-century skills and dispositions: A longitudinal perspective T Valtonen, N Hoang, E Sointu, P Näykki, A Virtanen, J Pöysä-Tarhonen, ... Computers in Human Behavior 116, 106643, 2021 | 170 | 2021 |
Learning to collaborate: Designing collaboration in a 3-D game environment R Hämäläinen, T Manninen, S Järvelä, P Häkkinen The Internet and Higher Education 9 (1), 47-61, 2006 | 150 | 2006 |
Epistemic cooperation scripts in online learning environments: Fostering learning by reducing uncertainty in discourse? K Mäkitalo, A Weinberger, P Häkkinen, S Järvelä, F Fischer Computers in Human Behavior 21 (4), 603-622, 2005 | 149 | 2005 |
Examining pre‐service teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge as evolving knowledge domains: A longitudinal approach T Valtonen, E Sointu, J Kukkonen, K Mäkitalo, N Hoang, P Häkkinen, ... Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35 (4), 491-502, 2019 | 137 | 2019 |
Kollaboratiivinen oppiminen teknologiaympäristöissä P Häkkinen, M Arvaja Teoksessa A. Eteläpelto & P. Tynjälä (toim.) Oppiminen ja asiantuntijuus …, 1999 | 137 | 1999 |
TEL@ work: Toward integration of theory and practice P Tynjälä, P Häkkinen, R Hämäläinen British Journal of Educational Technology 45 (6), 990-1000, 2014 | 133 | 2014 |
Shared and personal learning spaces: Challenges for pedagogical design P Häkkinen, R Hämäläinen The Internet and Higher Education 15 (4), 231-236, 2012 | 133 | 2012 |
Facilitating socio-cognitive and socio-emotional monitoring in collaborative learning with a regulation macro script–an exploratory study P Näykki, J Isohätälä, S Järvelä, J Pöysä-Tarhonen, P Häkkinen International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 12, 251-279, 2017 | 122 | 2017 |
Oppimisen teoria ja teknologian opetuskäyttö S Järvelä, P Häkkinen WSOY Oppimateriaalit, 2006 | 119 | 2006 |
Virtual reality in education: Focus on the role of emotions and physiological reactivity M Vesisenaho, M Juntunen, P Häkkinen, J Pöysä-Tarhonen, J Fagerlund, ... Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 12 (1), 2019 | 114 | 2019 |
Mechanisms of common ground in case-based web discussions in teacher education K Mäkitalo, P Häkkinen, P Leinonen, S Järvelä The Internet and Higher Education 5 (3), 247-265, 2002 | 113 | 2002 |