Jakob Axelsson
Jakob Axelsson
Professor of Computer Science, Mälardalen University and Senior Research Leader, RISE
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Safety in Vehicle Platooning: A Systematic Literature Review
J Axelsson
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (5), 1033-1045, 2017
Quality assurance in software ecosystems: A systematic literature mapping and research agenda
J Axelsson, M Skoglund
Journal of Systems and Software 114, 69-81, 2016
A comparison of fixed-priority and static cyclic scheduling for distributed automotive control applications
H Lonn, J Axelsson
Proceedings of 11th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. Euromicro RTS …, 1999
Architecture synthesis and partitioning of real-time systems: A comparison of three heuristic search strategies
J Axelsson
Hardware/Software Codesign, 1997.(CODES/CASHE'97), Proceedings of the Fifth …, 1997
Choosing Component Origins for Software Intensive Systems: In-House, COTS, OSS or Outsourcing?—A Case Survey
K Petersen, D Badampudi, SMA Shah, K Wnuk, T Gorschek, ...
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 44 (3), 237-261, 2018
Experience of introducing reference architectures in the development of automotive electronic systems
U Eklund, Ö Askerdal, J Granholm, A Alminger, J Axelsson
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30 (4), 1-6, 2005
Characteristics of software ecosystems for Federated Embedded Systems: A case study
J Axelsson, E Papatheocharous, J Andersson
Information and Software Technology 56 (11), 1457-1475, 2014
A Comparative Case Study of Distributed Network Architectures for Different Automotive Applications
J Axelsson, J Fröberg, H Hansson, C Norström, K Sandström, B Villing
The Industrial Information Technology Handbook, 846-865, 2004
Game theory applications in systems-of-systems engineering: A literature review and synthesis
J Axelsson
Procedia Computer Science 153, 154-165, 2019
A case study of issues related to automotive E/E system architecture development
P Wallin, J Axelsson
Engineering of Computer Based Systems, 2008. ECBS 2008. 15th Annual IEEE …, 2008
Architecting systems‐of‐systems and their constituents: A case study applying Industry 4.0 in the construction domain
J Axelsson, J Fröberg, P Eriksson
Systems Engineering 22 (6), 455-470, 2019
Towards a System-of-Systems for Improved Road Construction Efficiency Using Lean and Industry 4.0
J Axelsson, J Fröberg, P Eriksson
2018 13th Annual Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 576-582, 2018
A systematic mapping of the research literature on system-of-systems engineering
J Axelsson
2015 10th System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), 18-23, 2015
Evolutionary architecting of embedded automotive product lines: An industrial case study
J Axelsson
2009 Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture & European …, 2009
Cost models for electronic architecture trade studies
J Axelsson
Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 2000
Analysis and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Real-Time Systems
J Axelsson, ...
Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, 1997
A refined terminology on system-of-systems substructure and constituent system states
J Axelsson
IEEE Systems of Systems Conference, 31-36, 2019
Cost Models with Explicit Uncertainties for Electronic Architecture Trade‐off and Risk Analysis
J Axelsson
INCOSE International Symposium 16 (1), 1700-1714, 2006
Correlation between safety assessments in the driver–car interaction design process
R Broström, P Bengtsson, J Axelsson
Applied Ergonomics 42 (4), 575-582, 2011
Making decisions in integration of automotive software and electronics: A method based on ATAM and AHP
P Wallin, J Froberg, J Axelsson
Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Automotive Systems …, 2007
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