Timothy Paul Cronan
Timothy Paul Cronan
Professor, Information Systems, University of Arkansas
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On the test-retest reliability of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use scales
AR Hendrickson, PD Massey, TP Cronan
MIS quarterly, 227-230, 1993
Digital piracy: Factors that influence attitude toward behavior
S Al-Rafee, TP Cronan
Journal of Business Ethics 63, 237-259, 2006
Factors that influence the intention to pirate software and media
TP Cronan, S Al-Rafee
Journal of business ethics 78, 527-545, 2008
Modeling IT ethics: A study in situational ethics
D Banerjee, TP Cronan, TW Jones
Mis Quarterly, 31-60, 1998
What influences IT ethical behavior intentions—planned behavior, reasoned action, perceived importance, or individual characteristics?
LNK Leonard, TP Cronan, J Kreie
Information & Management 42 (1), 143-158, 2004
Further understanding factors that explain freshman business students’ academic integrity intention and behavior: Plagiarism and sharing homework
TP Cronan, JK Mullins, DE Douglas
Journal of Business Ethics 147, 197-220, 2018
How men and women view ethics
J Kreie, TP Cronan
Communications of the ACM 41 (9), 70-76, 1998
Illegal, inappropriate, and unethical behavior in an information technology context: A study to explain influences
LNK Leonard, TP Cronan
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 1 (1), 12, 2001
On the repeated test‐retest reliability of the end‐user computing satisfaction instrument: A comment
AR Hendrickson, K Glorfeld, TP Cronan
Decision Sciences 25 (4), 655-665, 1994
Neurophysiological correlates of cognitive absorption in an enactive training context
PM Léger, FD Davis, TP Cronan, J Perret
Computers in Human Behavior 34, 273-283, 2014
Computer simulation success: on the use of the end‐user computing satisfaction instrument: a comment
R McHaney, TP Cronan
Decision Sciences 29 (2), 525-535, 1998
Attitude toward ethical behavior in computer use: a shifting model
LNK Leonard, T Paul Cronan
Industrial Management & Data Systems 105 (9), 1150-1171, 2005
Making ethical decisions
J Kreie, TP Cronan
Communications of the ACM 43 (12), 66-71, 2000
A student ERP simulation game: A longitudinal study
TP Cronan, DE Douglas
Journal of Computer Information Systems 53 (1), 3-13, 2012
Comparing objective measures and perceptions of cognitive learning in an ERP simulation game: A research note
TP Cronan, PM Léger, J Robert, G Babin, P Charland
Simulation & Gaming 43 (4), 461-480, 2012
Piracy, computer crime, and IS misuse at the university
TP Cronan, CB Foltz, TW Jones
Communications of the ACM 49 (6), 84-90, 2006
End-user training and computing effectiveness in public agencies: an empirical study
TP Cronan, DE Douglas
Journal of Management Information Systems 6 (4), 21-39, 1990
Enterprise systems knowledge, beliefs, and attitude: A model of informed technology acceptance
JK Mullins, TP Cronan
International Journal of Information Management 59, 102348, 2021
Equity perceptions as a deterrent to software piracy behavior
DE Douglas, TP Cronan, JD Behel
Information & Management 44 (5), 503-512, 2007
An empirical validation of perceived importance and behavior intention in IT ethics
TP Cronan, LNK Leonard, J Kreie
Journal of Business Ethics 56, 231-238, 2005
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Articles 1–20