Shilpa Bhardwaj
Shilpa Bhardwaj
Moses H Cone Memorial Hospital, Greensboro, affiliation UNC, Chapel Hill.
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Muscular effects of statins in the elderly female: a review
S Bhardwaj, S Selvarajah, EB Schneider
Clinical interventions in aging 8, 57, 2013
Efficacy of statins in combination with interferon therapy in multiple sclerosis: A meta-analysis
S Bhardwaj, CI Coleman, DM Sobieraj
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 69 (17), 1494-1499, 2012
Predictors of hypertension in an urban Indian population.
AK Sharma, S Bhardwaj, S Chaturvedi
Indian heart journal 58 (1), 21, 2006
Fetal sex-determination in Delhi: a population-based investigation
S Chaturvedi, P Chhabra, S Bharadwaj, S Smanla, AT Kannan
Tropical doctor 37 (2), 98-100, 2007
A certain gift, and a question of ethics.
S Bhardwaj
Annals of internal medicine 156 (10), 750, 2012
The Relative Intensity of Physical Activity and the risk of Stroke: A metanalysis
KMJ Diep LB, Kim A, Jordon L, Sevransky J, Duggal M
Annals of Neurology 62 (S11), S17-S49, 2007
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